Top 5 Situations When You Need Financial Advisor the Most


Financial advisors generally help you decide what you should do with your funds. In addition, they’re in charge of educating you on how to use your money responsibly, understanding your financial health, and helping you formulate goals. So if you’re having trouble managing your funds, maintaining a budget, or want to grow your wealth, a certified financial advisor can help.

It’s important to remember that you don’t need to be rich to hire an advisor. These professionals study to adapt to different budgets across all walks of life. If you’re unsure whether you need help, here are the top five situations that signal that you may need a financial advisor’s guidance.

Top 5 Situations When You Need Financial Advisor The Most

Situations When You Need Financial Advisor the Most

1. You recently inherited a large sum of money

Receiving an inheritance from a loved one or friend may come as a shock, especially if it’s a significant amount of money. However, a sudden increase in wealth can be overwhelming, and you may feel the pressure not to squander it. Inheritance can also come in other forms besides money, such as property, stocks, bonds, jewelry, and more.

A financial advisor can help you get your inheritance in order by helping you with the taxes and then taking stock of what you received. Then, they can advise you on your next course of action by asking you about your short-term and long-term plans.

If you inherited assets instead of money, financial advisors could guide you if you can keep them as investments in your portfolio or if it’s better to sell them off.

2. You’re Managing Your Investments

It’s not a bad thing to manage your investments. You can do quite well if you’ve educated yourself enough to understand your own risk level and how the financial markets work. However, you can still ask for advice from a financial advisor to get an unbiased opinion from a third party.

While the financial advisor doesn’t need to educate you regarding your financial health, you can still learn about investment opportunities you may be missing. If there are none, they can reassure you that your current portfolio and plans are the right course of action.

Remember to choose your advisor carefully. Consider hiring a fiduciary so you know that they’re ethically and legally bound to act in your best interests.

3. You’re Going Through Significant Life Events

There are several major life events you can go through where you may need a financial advisor. Divorce is one instance that can be difficult to navigate alone. An advisor can help resolve any monetary issues between you and your partner and provide plans for managing the funds you’ll receive.

Other major life events need not be so bleak. You could be planning to get married soon and need advice on saving up for the wedding and honeymoon. You could also want to sell your business and want to know the best avenues and how much to ask. Or you’re planning to have children and want to start setting up their college funds and inheritances.

4. You Want To Build Your Wealth

If you’re still relatively young and retirement is years away, you can start considering ways to grow your wealth. A financial advisor can provide you with different investment prospects and handle them if you are too busy to look after them. You do have to pay fees but remember that the returns you can get provide a nest egg that can eventually offset the cost.

When shopping for advisors, review their services and their breakdown of fees. Also, be careful if you find commission-based advisors since their primary goal is to earn commissions based on the products they sell. They may not put your best interests first, resulting in a conflict.

Find a financial advisor that will give you structured plans for success and remain transparent with you.

5. You’re About To Retire

Hiring a financial advisor is almost necessary if you’re getting close to retirement age. However, if you’re not very knowledgeable about investments and legislation regarding retirement plans, you can have difficulty navigating the legalese and reaching your savings goal to enjoy retirement.

If you took on several retirement plans like 401(k) and IRAs, they could help you figure out the best way to utilize each and minimize the amount you’re taxed. In addition, they could recommend the best healthcare policy if you’re concerned about your health.

Leave the Work to the Expert

A lot of studying comes with handling money, and making mistakes may result in significant losses. If you find yourself in these five situations and have monetary goals you want to meet, consider hiring a financial advisor. If you find one you trust, heed their advice and leave the guesswork to them.

By asking for help, you’ll be able to grow your wealth, manage your funds better, and ensure that your loved ones’ futures are secured.

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Author: Kendall Regand