101+ High PR Social Bookmarking Sites List 2020 [Updated]


Social Bookmarking is an important part of Off-Page SEO. Bookmarking greatly helps the publishers to drive good traffic and generate valuable back links from high PR social bookmarking sites toward their blogs and websites (Search Engine Journal).

If you’re searching for free social bookmarking sites list that pass link juice, then luckily you’ve got the right stuff.

In this article, we are going to share some top social bookmarking sites list where you can bookmark your blog posts in order to drive internet traffic and build back links.

What is Social Bookmarking?

Social bookmarking is a popular way to store, organize and manage your favorite bookmarks on the web pages. These web pages are known as social bookmarking sites.

Likewise you bookmark your favorite websites in your personal browser; you can also bookmark your favorite links in the social bookmarking sites. Remember; whenever you bookmark any website in your personal browser, no one can access that websites/links accept you. But on the other hand, if you bookmark on the social bookmarking websites then these bookmarks are publicly available and accessible. It means that anyone can see and access to your bookmarks.

The concept of shared online bookmarks was started in April, 1996. Social Bookmarking is a major Off Page SEO activity for creating back links. Those web pages which are bookmarked at social bookmarking sites are valuable for getting quality back links which would be helpful for bringing internet traffic on your website. Just because of that SEO experts adopt and make activities repeatedly relating to the social bookmarking, while they do search engine optimization.

In easy words, you can say that social bookmarking is another way to promote sites with other social book markers through collaborating.

Why Social Bookmarking is so important?

High PR Social Bookmarking Sites List

As mentioned earlier that book-marking is one of the simple and healthy activities which can drive huge traffic and back links. But there are lots of other advantages you can enjoy through social bookmarking such as

  • Helps search engines to index your website faster
  • Measuring Quality of Links
  • Good for deeper indexing your web pages
  • Getting external Meta Data
  • Co-citations
  • Getting additional votes for your website
  • Categorization of your site

Another aspect of social bookmarking related to its importance is as we know that this process is very easy and inexpensive way to attract more viewers on the website.

Additionally, bookmarking can help you to build natural links for your website. The more you announce your content in social bookmarking community, the more your blog will become visible to the search engines.

100+ Top Social Bookmarking Sites Lists in 2020

1              http://www.stumbleupon.com/


3              http://www.citeulike.org/

4              https://delicious.com/

5              http://www.pinterest.com/

6              https://www.tumblr.com/

7              https://www.diigo.com/

8              http://slashdot.org/

9              https://www.google.com/bookmarks/

10           http://www.newsvine.com/

11           http://digg.com/

12           http://www.bibsonomy.org/

13           http://tryengineeringnews.org/

14           http://www.folkd.com/

15           http://www.pearltrees.com/

16           http://independencescience.co/

17           http://www.hollywood2012.com/

18           http://wegokiev.com/

19           http://fossilafrica.com/

20           http://kbrabbitry.com/

21           http://www.bizsugar.com/

22           http://www.iesa.co/

23           http://www.fearsteve.com/

24           http://ihaan.org/

25           http://bosplus.org/

26           http://esa-2013.com/

27           http://immigrationlawpros.com/

28           http://speedycon.org/

29           http://utoms.org/

30           http://atlhtml5.net/

31           http://london8.net/

32           http://wirefan.com/

33           http://dictaf.net/

34           http://jofrati.net/

35           http://t3b-system.com/

36           http://gardicanin.net

37           http://www.usefulenglish.net

38           http://relevare.net/

39           http://todays1051.net/

40           http://temateater.net/

41           http://aixindashi.org/

42           http://gen-eff.net/

43           http://vtv10.com/

44           http://youmob.com/

45           http://tatvanstories.com/

46           http://gardicanin.net/

47           http://www.pixador.net/

48           http://atlasassistans.net/

49           http://www.usefulenglish.net/

50           http://www.addusastory.com/

51           https://dzone.com

52           http://bjwhj.com/

53           http://url.org/

54           http://cocosislandsnews.info

55           http://www.jodohkita.info/

56           http://www.airpim.biz/

57           http://www.prbookmarks.com/

58           http://www.bookmark4you.com/

59           http://www.craftjuice.com/

60           http://www.linkr.hu/

61           http://www.acymca.net/

62           http://www.designfloat.com/

63           http://www.yemle.com/

64           http://www.zariaetan.com/

65           http://eugendorf.net

66           http://www.openfaves.com/

67           http://www.sitejot.com/

68           http://www.tourdion.com/

69           http://www.postolia.com/

70           http://www.addthismark.com/

71           http://www.yoomark.com/

72           http://www.bookmarkingcentral.com

73           http://www.pinterest.com/

74           http://slashdot.org/

75           http://www.reddit.com/

76           https://delicious.com/

77           http://www.stumbleupon.com/

78           http://newsle.com/

79           http://www.newsvine.com/

80          https://www.diigo.com/

81           http://www.bibsonomy.org/

82           http://www.folkd.com/

83           http://www.webseoexpertservices.com/

84           http://blinklist.com

85           http://actweb-sport.com/

86           http://www.bizsugar.com/

87           http://fwisp.com/

88           http://ak3.biz/

89           http://madeinusadirectory.org/

90           http://online-gv.com

91           http://www.arizonavalueshuttle.org

92           http://www.iesa.co

93           http://www.whatisyourmoo.com/

94           http://www.bizsugar.com

95           http://fwisp.com/

96           http://youmob.com/

97           http://www.blokube.com/

98           http://www.bookmarkyou.com/

99           http://warrenave.com/

100         http://aixindashi.org

101          http://www.careep.org/

Upcoming: What is the Difference between Social Bookmarking Sites Vs Social Networking Sites?