10 Important Systems and Routines To Have in Place Before Employing Lots of New Staff


Hiring staff can be a daunting task, but having a plan in place will help ensure success. With the right systems and routines, you can protect your business from risks and give employees the tools they need to fulfill their obligations.

But you have a lot to do before you can recruit.

10 Essential Systems You Need Before You Can Hire Employees

Essential Systems You Need Before You Can Hire Employees

In this article, we’ll share 10 important steps that are crucial when preparing for new staff, from creating an employee handbook to developing effective communication protocols for all hires.

1. Set Up a Clear Organizational Structure

Setting up a clear organizational structure is an essential part of any successful business. It will help to ensure that everyone has a designated role, responsibility, and job title, as well as a reporting line and expectations for their work. Use a chart to make this document easy to read.

2. Find an Easy Way to File and Replace Paperwork

Modern companies have to sort through and catalog a lot of paperwork, so it helps to have a system in place to keep track of it all. To make this process easy, use an encrypted online filing system. To replace documents, use templates like this employment pay stub generator.

3. Establish an Onboarding Process

An onboarding process will help new staff become familiar with your company culture quickly and easily, while providing essential information they need to be successful in their role. To establish a great onboarding process, utilize people analytics and important hiring data.

4. Create an Employee Handbook

An employee handbook or guide is essential for outlining policies and procedures that all staff should follow while employed by your company. It should include details such as work hours, expected behavior, vacation time, sick leave, benefits, mission statements, and brand values.

5. Develop Effective Communication Protocols

Develop effective communication protocols between employees and managers to ensure that everyone is kept up-to-date with changes, tasks, or requests throughout the organization. Try to establish one communication channel to cut back on misunderstandings between the team. 

6. Implement a Performance Management System

Implement performance management systems such as goal setting, feedback sessions, and reviews to ensure high-quality standards from your team. Studies show that 60% of employees want to receive feedback on a daily or weekly basis, while 80% want feedback at the moment.

7. Establish an Employee Feedback Loop

It’s not enough to offer employees feedback; you also have to establish an employee feedback loop that encourages open communication. Employers should set time aside to communicate one-on-one with each employee and allow them to comment on their superior’s performance. 

8. Build a Positive Workplace Culture

Create a work culture that rewards employees for their contributions and progress. While this will do a lot to encourage their best efforts, it’ll also help them feel valued and appreciated. The best rewards are timely (i.e., after finishing a project) and personalized to each employee.

9. Have a System That Tracks Employee Hours

Have a system in place to track employee time off, holidays, and any other absences from work, so everyone is aware of who’s available. Not only will this help avoid disruptions in workflow, but it’ll also make sure staff aren’t overwhelmed. It also makes managing payroll much easier.

10. Implement a Plan of Succession 

Implement a plan for succession should you need to replace any employees that leave your team. It’s important to be prepared ahead of time to avoid any gaps within your workforce structure during times of transition. With that said, you should work to lower turnover rates.

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Author: Claire Ward