10 Pieces of Advice for Making a Great Impression as an Entrepreneur


Building a successful business nowadays is a daunting task and it takes a special kind of person to do it. However, there is no “one size fits all” theory of entrepreneurship but there are some common traits shared by successful business owners and leaders. Most of these are learned through practice, a series of missteps and mistakes before finally nailing it. It takes hard work and dedication, developing a winning attitude and being smart enough to listen to others.

Here are 10 pieces of advice on how to become a great entrepreneur:

10 Tip How to Become a Great Entrepreneur

1. Follow your passion

You need to dig deep and see what is it that really motivates you and then pursue it. Don’t just go after some random marketing opportunity, something you are just slightly familiar with, or just be in it for the money. In that case, there will be no fortitude in your actions and no real determination or passion to stick with your goals.

2. Success takes time and hard work

It’s common knowledge that success doesn’t come over night. You might be hired and fired a million times before you become a successful businessperson, but you should never give up. Work hard and stay focused.

It doesn’t necessarily mean doing more work than it’s expected, but doing it smarter and better and focusing on the things that will help you move forward. Also, there are no shortcuts – you have to outdo both yourself and others.

3. Don’t take things personally

Many entrepreneurs say – it’s all business, nothing personal. And if you want to succeed, that’s how you must approach it. Don’t flinch at rejection and don’t take no for an answer. Be ready to make a change and refuse to accept failure as an option. Making one more attempt is what will push you forward, even if it all seems hopeless.

4. Get up after you fall

There are numerous examples of people who have lost some ability and then became successful entrepreneurs. They are the ones who got up after an accident or a tragedy and turned it into a success story – former athletes, dancers or teachers turned into business people. Surely, it doesn’t come easily but you call the shots. You need to discover a new purpose to live.

5. Certainty is no safe harbor

Every entrepreneur should strive to see the world for what it can be and not for what it is. If you get too comfortable with seeing it the way it is, you’ll get surpassed by your competitors and lose sight of opportunities that are waiting around the corner. Stay hungry for more since hunger is a great motivator. It’s the desire that drives you to keep learning, growing, and evolving. Once you stop learning, your chances of succeeding in business are slim to none.

6. Keep things simple for great impression

Simplicity is everything. But, sometimes, it can be the hardest part of your work. Keeping it simple is particularly important for your customers – when they decide to buy something, they don’t want to be given a lecture, but a concise and to-the-point set of relevant information. This is what all promotion campaigns aim for – delivering a simple message to your prospective buyers.

So, when it comes to effective marketing efforts, whether you choose to set up posters, put up billboards, make a radio or TV commercial or you decide to design and print flyers – just keep it simple. Have a clear logo, simple colors and typography.

7. Push towards dominance

Establishing a business and keeping it afloat is not an easy task, let alone turning it into a successful one. And, definitely, you can’t do everything by yourself. That’s why many companies hire professionals to help them create a recognizable product, and turn a mere concept into a highly sought-after product.

8. Pay attention to detail

The desire to make it and have it all, now and not later, can make many fall into a trap of looking but not seeing. Yes, the big picture is important, but you need to pay a lot of attention to detail, too. Essentially, details matter. For example, whether you own a restaurant or a beauty salon, you need to think about the little things that appeal to people’s sense of aesthetics, such as color schemes, lighting fixtures, furniture pieces, positioning, free samples and small gifts.

9. Ask for help

You can’t know it all and you can’t be everything in your business. Be smart, delegate and ask for help. Generally, people are happy to help and share their knowledge. Big, successful companies have been around for some time and can offer some valuable insight and be a great mentor. It is beneficial on both ends – they get additional exposure and marketing and you get the help you need.

10. Learn to say no

Focus on what is crucial and learn to say no to great ideas so you could get to brilliant ones. Choose one path and stick to it. It can be really hard since many things are involved – emotions, earning for a living, having self-confidence and choosing the right direction. Nevertheless, dedication and focus are the key ingredients to success.