8 Tools To Boost Your Business Cyber Defense


Given the rise in cybercrimes, cybersecurity should be a significant concern for any business these days. The world has gone digital, which is excellent for the most part.

However, digitalization has brought with it the emergence of sophisticated cybercriminals. These hackers take advantage of any system and network vulnerabilities to access private information.

And since most businesses run on digital platforms nowadays, no one is immune to cyber threats, which is why every business is supposed to bolster its cyber security defenses. As the hackers get more sophisticated, you need to get more defensive. With that said, here are some tools you can use to boost your business’ cyber defenses.

8 Tools To Boost Your Business Cyber Defense

Business Cyber Defense

1. Antivirus Software

Antivirus software has been around for quite some time. And antivirus companies do a great job of keeping track of the new threats, which is excellent. That’s why it’s still very relevant to this day. However, you need to make sure that you keep your antivirus software as up-to-date as possible to protect you from these newer threats.

An antivirus will immediately alert you to any threats in your system and help you clean those up. Newer antivirus software can detect and fight against various malware attacks more quickly. There are plenty of options on the market; you just have to pick what’s right for you.

2. Firewalls

You may think firewalls are the same as antivirus, but that’s not the case. Having both a firewall and an antivirus bolsters your cybersecurity defense profile by a considerable amount. The more defenses you have, the better. Remember that hackers have gotten highly sophisticated. They can now create programs that can trick your firewall into thinking it’s a trusted device. So, using a combination of solid firewalls and antivirus is ideal.

Firewalls protect your networks by monitoring network activities. A random computer simply can’t get access to your system or network when the firewall is up. Those devices that have authorized access will be allowed in. But the firewall will block those without authorized credentials. If you have a solid firewall, a hacker can’t just break into your network or computer haphazardly.

You can up the ante in terms of firewall security by using what is known as next-generation firewalls (NGFW). These are firewalls equipped with machine learning and automation capabilities which are much more effective at detecting malicious activity.

Moreover, you could use the next-generation firewall (NGFW) to create your virtual private network (VPN) too. Thus, there are various VPNs to choose from online. You check out reviews from EarthWeb to find out which one could suit your needs.

3. End Point Detection and Response (EDR) Systems

Now, endpoint detection and response (EDR) is helpful with regard to protecting your networks.

It monitors your networks for cyber threats and tracks every device connected to your network. And if it picks up on any malicious activity, it will notify you immediately.

It can then automatically lock out those users whom it deems malicious. Additionally, EDR systems can gather detailed information about the activity of connected devices.

If there is a cybersecurity breach of any sort, you’ll be able to use this information in your forensic audits.

4. Domain Name System Protection (DNS)

Tools To Boost Your Business Cyber Defense

Hackers will use any loophole available to get into a system. But they do most of their damage on the internet using malware programs. That’s why it’s always best to avoid sketchy websites.

Accessing unsecured websites opens a door for hackers to get into your network. Even if a team member innocently accesses a site, that action alone can trigger a cybersecurity breach.

But DNS system protection enables you to restrict your employees from accessing specific sites on the internet. It closes the door for hackers who may want to access your network.

Don’t hesitate to use DNS protection because unsuspecting employees present a gap for hackers to enter your business. If you haven’t set up a DNS, do so soon.

5. Intrusion Detection And Prevention (IDS) And Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

Now, these systems operate similarly to firewalls. They differ from the traditional firewall system in that they analyze the data packets (of code) as it tries to enter your network.

In contrast, firewalls examine only the headers of those data packets. So, you can effectively block malicious users from accessing your network with IPS and IDS.

6. Cloud-Based Security

Now, given the extensive use of cloud-based computer programs these days, you must have cloud-based security for your business operations too. Since the remote working model became prevalent, some businesses have migrated to the cloud ever since the remote working model became prevalent.

There is a lot of artificial intelligence and computer processing power to make integrated cloud solutions. But the cloud offers a great store of information for an organization. Hackers know that they’ve struck gold if they get into the cloud.

Organizations store some sensitive information on the cloud these days, and while very secure, it’s not immune to cyberattacks. So, you need to ensure that cloud security is optimized as much as possible.

Ensure that you use things like two-factor identification and advanced access controls to keep the cloud safe. Thankfully, the cloud systems tend to have advanced security features already, and they’re flexible enough to be integrated with complementary security programs or code to bolster cloud security.

7. Password Management Tools

Password protection is vital, and for most modern businesses, access controls are a common feature because they’re a good way of protecting your organizational information.

You also need these access controls to authenticate users or your employees. Enterprise password management tools can help you manage and track the use of every password linked to your server, network, or system.

This software keeps those users without authorized access to your system from entering it. But you also have power such that if the users’ activity starts to become suspicious or even problematic, you can kick them out of your network or revoke their privileges.

Passwords are great, but they can be a point of vulnerability too. Therefore, you need to protect them.

8. Logging and Log Monitoring Tools

These tools help you monitor the activities or events on your site. They are especially relevant when a breach occurs. They give time and date stamped descriptions that enable you to track back on what was happening at a given time. In turn, they allow you to track the actual problem.


Since hackers have become extremely crafty and creative these days, it’s becoming imperative for businesses to bolster their cyber defenses. The world has digitalized so much that the pace of change will likely not slow down soon.

Therefore, as long as you’re a global citizen in this digital age, cyber defense should be a priority. Protecting yourself is perhaps the most prudent thing you can do at this point where cybersecurity crimes are on the rise.

So, any investment you will make to improve cybersecurity is a worthwhile investment. Make sure that you keep your cyber defenses up to date constantly.

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