Visual Identity: Key Factor to Influence Consumers to Patronize a Product


Imagine your business as a person who needs a face, an identity, and a personality. What if you are that person?  What are you going to do in order for other people to notice you?

Having a strong identity when it comes to the visual branding can draw in potential customers. First impression last.

When you’re conceptualizing your visual identity, focus on how would the people perceive your brand. It’s for the reason that the brand’s visual identity could influence the perception of your target audience.

Visual identity is the reason why you have friends. Why? It’s because people will be able to know who you are without saying anything. May it be the type of clothes you wear or on what kind of photos you’re posting on the social networking sites.

Here are the reasons why the visual identity of the brand can influence the public to buy your product.

6 Ways Visual Identity Can Influence ConsumersVisual Identity Key Factor to Influence Consumers to Patronize a Product

1# It helps you understand consumers

After contemplating on why people are not coming to your store, you’ll find out that it’s because of your brand’s identity.

Since the logo is the face of the company, identity is the visual of the company, and branding is the personality of the company, you need to pay attention to these three in order to attract customers.

You need to research the specific things that could attract your audience. For example, if your target market is the younger generation, you need to make sure that your branding is connected with them.

2# It conveys story through symbols

This is how you can differentiate visual identity form branding. The Visual identity uses symbols in order to help explain your brand’s message.

This is composed of a logo design, fonts used, images, colors, shapes, and forms. The goal here is to communicate effectively with the consumers through visuals.

Plan the kind of personality that you want to show for your brand. By having a grasp of it, you will be able to know how you can connect with your target consumers.

This is because the brand is an integration of a set of unique values, namely: confidence, passion, belonging, action, and security.

What is the personality that you want to show for your brand? Take a look at the chart below. Make it as your basis on what kind of traits will you apply for the visual identity of your brand.

3# It simplifies the message

People don’t want to complicate their lives by trying to understand what’s the point of your logo. Your visual identity should establish a strong connection between your business and the consumers.

A visual form serves as the representative of your business. This is the reason why you are remembered by your target audience.

Coherence and consistency are the two factors that you need to consider in planning the visual identity of your brand. If you will incorporate these, it will increase your business’ trustworthiness and the credibility of your brand.

It should be simple but not in the sense that it could get misinterpreted by the target audience. Your visual identity must be easy to understand for the reason that it won’t confuse the consumers.

If you start confusing the market, your product will be questionable to them. Make your visual identity simple, not complicated.

4# It makes your brand genuine

If you have discovered the visual identity of your brand, it will be more distinctive among others. How and when did your business start can be a great story to tell. It makes your business more unique and genuine.

You will know that your visual identity is successful when people already recognize it the way they could recognize their friends.

Being unprepared in the business world will do you no good. Know what you are selling and who are the people you are selling to. This will help you to get ready with the problems that might occur along the way.

Going back in making friends, people will make friends with you if you look the exact way that they want. But, the one who will know your true personality stays.

If your brand offers authenticity and the freedom for your consumer to know your products better, you’re giving the target audience a chance to choose what brands they want.

That is what consumers like the most—which is not to force them to like your products by sugarcoating the details related to the product that you’re promoting.

5# It keeps you accessible

If you have built your brand’s visual identity, it’s now the time for your business to be seen. Think of the signage that would suit for your business branding.

Use font style and size that makes your outside banner and window graphics readable. Never aim in keeping the letters in the same length and height because the sizes of letters are not exactly the same.

Signage also serves as the communicator between your product and your customers. People will get excited with what you are offering even just by looking at your business sign.

Sometimes, your signage is the one who could be remembered when people forgot your business name, e.g., ‘the resto with glittery sign’. People remember images than words.

6# It gives your brand a face

One of the reasons why visual identity should be given importance is because it differentiates and distinguishes your brand. It must be recognizable to the public.

How will you make sure that people would identify your product? It’s when you pay attention its details and design that convey the appropriate message of the product.

After you have finalized the visual identity of the brand, that’s where you will start using it to other media platforms. It can be the header for your letters or design for your envelopes, notepads, pens, and wallpapers. Similar to the examples that can be seen below:

The design that you have embedded must be consistent. If you’re planning to change it, you should inform the public beforehand to avoid confusion.

Since, it serves as your face, your consumers might misidentify your new visual identity as the plagiarized version of the one that they used to see.

Seth Godin once stated that “A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories, and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”

Your audience defines your brand according to what they see. Pay attention to what other people perceive about the visuals of your business. It can influence the consumers to appreciate your product or to just move to another establishment.

If you succeed in building the visual identity of your brand, don’t forget to keep on innovating. Think of a better strategy that could make your brand standout among the others. Work on how people would think of your business while managing on how to generate sales and income.

Author’s bio:

Donna Estrada is an editor for Scoopfed and a graduate of Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. She enjoys reading books about Persuasive Communication and Advertising and sometimes she contributes for Aviv Movers.