4 Smart Tips to Know How Voice Search Influences Your SEO!


The convenience of the mobile devices has led to surpassing desktop along with an increase in voice search queries. Chatbots and social media are influencing the digital landscape largely where voice search works in parallel with the SEO strategies.

With the advancement of artificial intelligence, voice search is predominating the web with a great pace by using a variety of digital assistants such as-

Among all the personal assistants flooded in the market, Amazon is the most popular one. The voice-only interface of Amazon Echo differentiates it from the vast sea of screen-based devices.

Voice Search Meets SEO- A Pretty Pair

In today’s era, voice search is far more beyond keyword and voice recognition. Nowadays, it incorporates voice understanding to identify its meaning and actual context. It guarantees that the mobile devices will respond to the natural phrases and relevant search results.

Voice search makes a great use of long-tail keywords that are the obvious results of how the people communicate. Business owners also need to rethink about the content they reflect in their web presence to drive quality traffic to their site.

User’s location, content from different websites, external content and social signals are some of the important factors that are collectively put together to give more refined and relevant results to the users.

In this mobile-first era, it can also be seen that content is a crucial factor to rank at a higher place in the voice search results.

Likewise, one must not only take single keywords for creating content, but also embeds key natural phrases into it.

4 Smart Tips That Can Help You Capitalize Your Voice Search

4 Smart Tips to Know How Voice Search Influences Your SEO!

1. Use Long-tail keywords

When you create the voice search content, it is advisable to use natural phrases with the long-tail keywords. An optimum content is one that portrays exact meaning behind the query with the use of natural phrases and specific keywords.

As a marketer, you should look forward for what users exactly want and can also consider the factors that can help phrase the needs in a better way.

Technically, ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘how’ are some of the common words that are used when applying the voice search in a conversational manner. This is a basic need when the users are on-the-go and use smartphones to ask questions.

2. Implement external content plus local SEO

It can be fruitful to monitor traffic from the external content to grab tremendous benefits for the voice search results. Tripadvisor, an important review site delivers relevant search results which search engine utilizes for better results.

The voice searches are conducted specifically on the mobile devices and this is the reason businesses need to keep their contact details and online listings updated.

It also demands to use structured data and microformats so that the search engines can pull this data and can display search results in a better way.

3. Employ voice search for research

Voice search can also be used actively to ask questions which seems perfect to drive users to their website. It can be carried out on multiple devices where the data is supposed to be filtered from the different search engines.

For example, Google is used by Apple’s Siri.

It is an obvious advantage that the more a voice search is used for research, the more a businesses will become familiar with varied voice search queries in order to build rich content that can rank higher for subsequent related queries.

4. Apply Schema to your result pages

An important evolution in the SEO in the form of a unique optimization can be a schema mark up, which is a vocabulary code used on the websites. This can help to get back a more detailed and informative results for the users.

A schema can also be assumed as an HTML add-on that helps search engines better understand the context of the content. With this, you will rank better in the normal searches and turn more relevant in specific search queries that are created via voice search.

Concluding Words

In today’s business-centric world, it is necessary to be more focused than before. Improper interpretation of the relationship of a customer with the business or its overall journey might lead to the usage of wrong keywords.

According to a survey, it has been estimated that around 50% of the searches will turn into online by the year 2020. Thus, it is predominant in terms of marketing to act in advance with voice search and inform your future SEO strategy in the best possible manner.

More Read: How to Write Content for People and Optimize for Google

Author Bio: This blog post has been written by David Meyer who is an expert web developer from CSSChopper and specialized in creating innovative write-ups for the genuine readers. His primary area is to develop strategies that can trigger SEO results.