How to Start a Photography Business in 5 Simple Steps


Photography is not a boring and traditional business. For many people, it’s an art and passion. If you care about lifestyle, tourism and love to capture amazing moments, then why don’t you turn this hobby into a professional business?

Starting a photography business is considered as a profitable side work activity in several countries including United States, Australia, and Canada.

Even this business idea is quickly popping up in Asian countries, where young generation is looking for new opportunities to make money and become rich.

If you want to start a small photography business, then this tutorial will help you to build your successful photography business both offline and online.

5 Steps to Starting a Photography Business Checklist

How to Start a Photography Business

Before we move forward, we are assuming that you have your own professional best DSLR camera under 500 and all necessary equipment that are necessary to get started.

1. Choose your Photography Startup Idea

Every successful startup needs a unique business idea. But photography is a broad niche. So, if you want to start a successful photography business with no money and experience?

You will have to explore several best photography business ideas and target the specific niche.  Here are some photography startup ideas you can think about.

  • Wedding Photography Business
  • Lifestyle Photography
  • Tourism Photography
  • Pet Photography Business
  • News Photography
  • Aerial Photography
  • Real Estate Photography
  • Photography in Trade Shows
  • Stock Photography
  • Freelance Photography

After selecting your specific niche, now you will have to name your startup company. In order to name your startup, you will have to do some brainstorming and think about unique photography business names.

Explore different photography business name ideas and select the right one that exactly matches with your niche.

2. Creating a Photography Business Plan

For many people, writing a business plan is a complete waste of time. But several biz professionals have already recommended that startup business planning always helps the aspiring entrepreneurs to set the specific goals and objectives.

With the help of startup plan, you can easily fulfill startup dream and reach the final destination. All you need is to write a one-page startup business plan and answer the main questions such as your

  • Goals and objectives
  • Strengths, weakness, skills and experience
  • Targeted ideal clients or customers
  • growth hacking strategies
  • Financials, startup expenses, and revenues

Don’t waste your time in writing a 5-year detailed business plan. Just go for 1-page photography business plan and cover the main things.

Related: 10 Free Business Templates For Startups

3. Choose your Business Location

Right business location always plays an important role in business growth and sales. If you want to start this business in your local area then you will have to select your specific location so people can easily find and hire you.

Alternatively, if you have a low budget and can’t afford an office, then you can use the internet to start a business online.

To get potential clients, you will have to join social media sites and freelancing platforms. Furthermore, you can also start a website/blog to showcase your skills and attract customers online.

4. Get Photography Business License

In some countries, registration and licensing are mandatory for some businesses. Registration or getting a license is also a good way to secure a startup business.

If you want to secure your business and get started legally, you will have to register your sole proprietor business. All you need is to visit your local registration office, submit your startup details and get the license.

5. Startup Financing

Financing is a bitter reality of every startup business. To run your business successfully, you will have to do some financial planning. Calculate how much money you need to start your business. For example, calculate your projected

  • Expenses
  • Sales
  • Revenues for next twelve months

If you have enough funds then it’s great. But if not think about how much money is required and how you will raise it?

Writing a Financial plan summary will help you to manage and control expenses in the initial startup phase. You can also track your financial performance on regular basis. If you find something wrong. You can fix it easily.

How to Promote Your Business?

To some extent, promoting a photography business is little bit a difficult task. But thanks to the social media sites, you can promote your startup to thousands of online audience.

Join these sites especially Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and create official pages to promote your startup. Further, you can also promote your photography business via sharing wedding invitation with photos.

After following all the aforementioned steps, hope so you will be able to launch your new photography business easily. Launch it and track your progress.

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