5 Tips To Create A Website For Your Start Up Ecommerce Retail Business


Internet commerce or e-commerce is a commercial transaction done through an online electronic method. The term refers to the selling of products or services through the Internet.

Online businesses transact with technologies providing convenience for both the company and customer. A critical element to any eCommerce retail business is a website.

If you’re about to establish your startup online selling venture, here are five tips to help you create your website.

5 Tips for Creating eCommerce Retail Business Website

eCommerce Retail Business Website make

1. Use the Right E-Commerce Website Builder

Many website builders exist on the Internet. You have free and paid options to help you build the right online site for your startup retail business.

A few examples of website builders are WordPress, Blogger, and Wix. Once again, these options have free and paid packages.

If you wish to save cash for your startup e-commerce retail company, you may want to start with the free plan. However, most free packages have numerous limitations which may inhibit you from running your online business properly.

Another option is to use site builders found in e-commerce-friendly portals. One example is Shopify, and it contains features like multi-channel integration, free SSL security, and cart recovery. It also has other functions meant for e-commerce businesses.

Don’t forget to choose the right hosting platform for your new domain. A web hosting service provides security and stability for your online business. Hence, you may sleep easy at night knowing that your shop is up and running, and catering to customers.

2. Understand Search Engine Optimization

The act of building your e-commerce website isn’t enough. It’s like opening a physical store without telling anyone about it.

A website without good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will find it challenging to gather customers from organic search results. You need to build your site correctly with good website SEO methods.

You can start your site’s SEO by researching the right keywords. Take note that e-commerce keyword research is different than contemporary keyword searches.

It means people who search for businesses tend to use a keyword string like, “Where can I find craft foam in California?” For comparison’s sake, a traditional keyword string will look something like, “IT security measures.”

Make sure to have an SEO checklist as a guide to help you fine-tune your retail e-commerce site for search engine crawlability.

3. Use the Right Domain Name

The domain name is the URL of your e-commerce retail store, and it’ll also help your customers identify your brand.

The right domain name is a vital component in launching an online retail business. Put your brand name and location in your domain name to help establish the business’ name.

For example, if you’re building an online shoe store and name it with something like Twinkle Toes, you may consider setting up your domain name such as twinkletoes.com.

Furthermore, if you have physical branches of this particular shoe shop, consider placing the location of the establishment on your domain name. For example, you may decide a domain like twinkletoes.com/NewYork.

Many online site builders will let you choose a domain name and host it as well. Make sure your brand and domain names are unique, concise, and leaves an impact on potential and existing customers.

4. Design Your Website

eCommerce Retail Business Website

Don’t just create a website and domain name without designing the site to suit your niche. A physical store may not be interesting to visit if it looks plain from afar.

With that same notion, a retail website that looks as plain as possible may have difficulties in enticing customers to purchase products.

Design your site to be compatible with your industry, and with the products and services you offer. For example, if you’re retailing leather shoes, perhaps a motif similar to the color of leather will fit your site. Otherwise, if you’re selling baby goods, pastel colors may do the trick.

Check your online competitors to see how they placed specific elements on their websites. Don’t copy from the competition, but let their sites be an inspiration on how you should devise the appearance of your online store.

5. Double-Check Everything

Make Website for retail business

Before hitting the Publish button, it’s vital for you to double-check all the functions of your website. The last thing you’d want is for your potential customers to get errors while they’re on the Checkout screen. Make sure all the payment systems are in order, and all links are fully-functional.

Once you’re satisfied with your virtual retail storefront, it’s time to click on that Publish button. After that point, it’s just a matter of time before visitors will take notice of your offered goods.

Last, don’t forget to market your startup e-commerce retail business across the Internet. Customers from organic search results are good, but you shouldn’t be complacent to rely on only one source of potential clients.

Market your store on social media and online forums. In doing so, you’ll gain more opportunities as opposed to just sitting on your computer screen hoping a lone customer buys something.