8 Small Online Business Ideas You Can Start Tomorrow


Once German Economist Schumpeter said that there are no original ideas, new ideas are just the combinations of old ones.

We’re living in a global village. Distances have been removed. Almost everything is connected with internet and we can talk with anyone anywhere in the world at any time.

Similarly, the speed of internet has been increased. The total websites in the world has been increased and reached to millions. Only WordPress is hosting 76.5 million blogs alone.

At the same time, communication systems have been much improved. Today, we can communicate with anyone in the world with the help of apps like WhatsApp, IMO, Skype and blab la.

But the main reason behind this immense improvement was the mindset that how to bring innovation using the existing framework. The internet!

It seems that the online business niche is saturated. But this is not true. There are still some online business ideas which wantrepreneurs can start today with zero to little investment.

If you are brainstorming about best online business ideas and trying to choose right internet startup idea, then think no more. Here is the list of online business ideas for beginners. Just explore the following list, read it and figure out which online business idea match with your skills and which business idea you can start easily.

8 Online Business Ideas For Beginners

Budget-Friendly Office Decorating Ideas for Your Small Business

#1 Freelance Writing

Writing is an art. It is not for everyone. If you’ve good writing skills, consider this idea. In freelance writing, you can offer multiple writing services including:

  • Content Writing
  • Copywriting
  • Ghost Writing
  • Book Writing
  • Writing Research Reports
  • Business Writing and much more.

To increase your client base, you will need to establish your website online as well as stay active on freelancing websites to get writing projects.

#2 Editorial Services

The owners of big websites don’t have much time to check, review and edit contents. Sometimes, they become super busy and they don’t get some spare time to read their emails. So, they hire editors to manage their websites.

You can become professional editor and sell your editorial services and get paid for your work.

#3 T-Shirt Printing

Create your t-shirt printing website and write excellent SEO optimized and google friendly contents. At the same time, upload some t-shirt printing samples. That’s it.

It is good online business idea and it doesn’t need you to establish your office and hire dozens of employees. You can even manage this business from your own home. All you’ll need to kickstart your t-shirt printing business is a reliable source of DTF supplies.

#4 Start your Own Blog

Best Tips for Starting a Career in Blogging

For many people blogging is just a hobby. But there are some other people who take blogging seriously and consider it a business.

Start your own blog on your favorite niche and make a living. There are many bloggers living around the world making six figure income per month and this is true. 

There are several ways through which you can monetize your blog, for instance using contextual ads, affiliate marketing or selling your own services / products.

If you want to start at an advance level, launch eCommerce site and reap the rewards in future.

#5 Become SEO Consultant

SEO is a big business. Almost all websites owners want to increase traffic and ultimately good ranking in search engine results. Due to this competition, the demand of white hat SEO is increased.

If you’ve deep knowledge and skills of SEO, use these skills and make money. If your clients increased with the passage of time, you can launch your full fledge SEO agency.

#6 Offer Virtual Services

Small Online Business Ideas for Beginners

Small business trends are changing. New startup owners are preferring to hire virtual assistants instead of hiring full time employees. It is also a fact that virtual assistants are expert in their fields and they provide quality work in less time and within budget.

There are many virtual assistant services you can offer to your clients for instance writing contents for websites, social media management, email management, website editor, developer or even you offer your inbound or outbound call services. We’ve also mention 101+ virtual assistants tasks which you can offer to your clients. This is one of the best online business ideas to make money.

#7 Make New Online Tools and Software

If you want to become rich in short time, develop new tools. People from every walk of life need variety of tools and software to save time, increase productivity and resolve issues.

Online tools can be developed for employees tracking, asset tracking, search engine optimization, business name generators, recording financial transactions or social media management.

#8 Internet of Things

5 Tips to Boost Your Internet Security
Image Credit: Pixabay

Do you know that internet of things (IOT) will change the shape of the businesses in the upcoming years? It’s true. The IOT industry is growing rapidly.

Internet of things is basically the network of physical devices, home appliances, vehicles and any other items equipped with software, electronic instruments and sensors. The IOT items collect, analyze and exchange data over the internet.

According to Forbes, the market size of IOT industry will be $457 billion by 2020. If you’ve sound knowledge of internet of things, try your luck in this niche.

Maybe you’ll become the next billionaire.

Wrapping up

We are moving toward the forth revolution. The ideas based on demand services, gig economy and sharing economy are on the horizons. Think out of the box and ask yourself that how you can shift traditional offline business into online businesses.

How you can find opportunities by finding gaps and resolving problems. Once you choose any idea, do proper research, write one-page business plan and try to launch your startup at small scale.

Best of luck for your business!

Need More Online Business Ideas? Stay Tuned!
