6 Proven Marketing Tips For Moving & Relocation Companies in 2022


The world has increasingly become digitized to the point that marketing refers to traditional marketing and digital marketing techniques. That includes social media marketing, eCommerce websites, CRM portals, Search Engine Optimization, and much more.

So whether you are in the banking sector, construction industry or an FMCG industry, or an international moving company, marketing is something that you need anyways. The essence of it is that you might be working for a big company or a small start-up, none the less marketing is the key to taking your business to the top.

So in this article, we will highlight six marketing tips that will be especially useful for you if you own or work for a moving or relocation company.

6 Marketing Tips For Moving & Relocation Companies in 2022

Proven Marketing Tips for Moving & Relocation Companies

1. Develop a Website for your Business

The first and the most important thing you can do for your business is to build a website for it. During the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in the lockdown of all brick and mortar stores, having a website is and was the only way businesses could survive, and those who didn’t build a website ended up suffering losses.

So when building a website, here are a few things that you need to keep in mind;

  • Get a great website made with minimal design and more focus on your products.
  • The website should be user-friendly and easy to navigate, with very clear Call-to-Action buttons
  • The website should have a very clear mobile-friendly interface as well because, let us just face it that most of us are surfing on our phones rather than laptops or websites.
  • Have Quotations and Estimate forms for your customers to fill on your website.
  • Always mention the full contact information for your moving company.
  • Mention the privacy policy and terms of use on your website as well so your clients and customers are aware of all your company policies.

2. Partner with Moving Leads and Influencers

The next step once you have your website ready is to get traffic on your site and turn your leads into actual customers. Now how can you do that? Thanks to this age of digital era, you can promote and bring a lot of traffic to your site at cheap rates;

  • Hire a few content writers and write blogs related to moving and mention links to your website through backlinks etc.
  • You can write blogs or content on moving tips, the statistic of moving in 2022, or frequently asked questions.
  • You can also partner with some moving leads in different companies to recommend your company precisely.
  • Make sure that these moving leads can provide you with real-time leads, import the moving leads to your software, filter through them, etc
  • Some moving leads offer to lead to 4 competitors and some to 9 to 10, so choose wisely in terms of what your niche is.

3. Customer Research

“Customer is the King,” an age-old saying of principles of marketing book by Kotler. The saying still goes true and is now true today, more so than before.

Today with so much competition in the market and almost every business having the resources to market themselves, you need to tell your customer, how are you helping them? And what value is your product providing to them?

Here are a few things for you to concentrate on when researching your customers;

  • Likes and Dislikes
  • Purchasing habits
  • Buying patterns
  • Pain point or Touchpoints.
  • Location and demographics etc.

4. Public Relation Management

Being in a digital era has all the perks and privileges, but it can also sometimes not work in your favor. Before buying any product today, people see reviews on the product and where they should buy the product from. So today, as a moving company, you need to take care of your reputation more so than ever before.

Why? Because one bad public review on your Facebook or even yelp will have a customer not even bother to visit your website. So invest a lot in your public relations and reputations. That means keeping a check on what customers are saying about you on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media profiles, etc.

5. Invest in Social Media Profiles

Having a website for your company is not enough. Today you need to market yourself on various other social media profiles. Like, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, etc.

There are so many social media platforms today that you need to first find out where your niche is and then invest in them through these social media profiles.

Here are a few ways you can use social media profiles to connect with your customers and clients and market your products.

  • Upload information and details about your products.
  • Keep your customers updated through regular posting
  • Use live video content to show your customers what faces are behind the brand
  • Have chatbots and automatic messaging installed to respond to your customer’s query as soon as possible.

These are only a few ways out of many that you can use to market your moving company.

6. Use Internet Advertisement

Last Marketing Tip from us is that use advertisement on the internet to market your company or products. For this purpose, you can use paid advertising on Google, Facebook, or Instagram. You can also use other techniques of search engine optimization and influencer marketing etc.

Nonetheless, advertisement on these platforms is cheap, and even if you are a small company, you can make use of this technique to the best of your knowledge.


Marketing is the core element of every business today. We hope our article gives you enough information to know where you should invest rightly for the marketing of your company.

Let us give you a small recap; have a website, do customer research, partner with other companies, maintain a good reputation for your company, invest in social media profiles and advertisements.

These 6 marketing tips are the core of marketing in 2022 and shall have you covered and generate a good amount of profit for you as well.

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Author Bio: Myrah Abrar is a computer science graduate with a passion for web development and digital marketing. She writes blog articles for Asia Relocation, international moving company.