7 Professional Skills You Can Learn From Home


Remote work has become very popular over the last few years. Nowadays, businesses are more flexible by allowing employees to work from the comfort of their own homes. By mastering professional skills, you too can hop on-board the remote work train and work from home.

Learning these skills is not only worth your time, but they’re flexible enough where you can seek full-time employment or join the gig economy. But to do that, you must learn the most in-demand skills employers look for.

Luckily, I’ve done the homework for you and even have the stats to back it up. So before I waste too much of your precious time, here are the professional skills you need for a job application from home.

7 Professional Skills You Can Learn From Home

Professional Skills You Can Learn From Home

Professional Skill #1: Marketing/Digital Marketing

It’s no secret that marketers are some of the most flexible workers. As a marketer, you can work from the comfort of your home, or you can work from an office. But what I need to emphasize is that you can learn marketing and digital marketing from home.

Marketers are in-demand. This is partly because marketers perform a myriad of tasks. From working as consultants to running social media accounts, the world of marketing and digital marketing is vast.

Naturally, you want to learn as many marketing/digital marketing skills as you can. Some of the top marketing skills include paid social media, ad serving, analytics, social media advertising, consulting, and more. Paid social media, for example, is a professional skill that rose by 116% in popularity over the past year.

These professional skills will take time to learn, but once you become a master, you’ll have the opportunity to work from home.

Professional Skill #2: Design/Graphic Design

Much like marketing, design is yet another area that has tons of potential when it comes to job employment. You can be a website designer, graphics designer, video designer, etc. You can work for a company, or you can work remotely. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn the many areas of design from home.

If we take the numbers from one of the biggest design platforms out there, Dribbble, we can look at what design jobs are in demand the most. According to Dribbble, product and graphic designers are the most in-demand jobs in 2022.

As a designer, the skills employers look for the most are illustrations, image editing, UX/UI design, and communication skills. Granted, this does include hard and soft skills. But those are the professional skills required to be a designer in 2022.

Professional Skill #3: Writing

Text is the most common form of media on the internet. As such, every online business will need writers. Writing skills are also some of the most in-demand professional skills by buyers and suppliers, according to this Statista report. Some of the skills for a job application as a writer include SEO, WordPress and similar content management systems, data input, and more.

Writing is an essential skill in practically any field. As such, it might open the door to tons of employment opportunities. Even more so, you can develop this professional skill from your home.

Professional Skill #4: Project Management

As a project manager, you’ll need to know how to lead a team and run a project. For this reason, mastering this professional skill might be more difficult. Project managers are the lifeblood of any company. They’re responsible for planning, organizing, directing, leading, etc.

Some of the professional skills for a resume as a project manager include communication, organization, flexibility, and of course, leadership. Becoming a great leader is the hallmark of a good project manager.

But leadership is a difficult skill to master. Luckily for you, I have a podcast where I discuss how to be a great leader and how to develop powerful leadership skills.

Project management is so in demand for project management jobs are estimated to reach 90 million by 2027. With enough hard work, you can learn project management from home and work remotely or seek in-office employment.

Professional Skill #5: Data Analysis

The demand for data analysis keeps growing as the years go. As such, data analysis is one of the most in-demand professional skills in 2022. As a data analyst, you’ll need profound knowledge in database communication languages, statistical programming skills, machine learning skills, statistical skills, and more.

You can learn many of these skills from home and even seek remote employment. According to Brain Station, a career as a data analyst is a lucrative one. Salaries range between $70,000 and $100,000. As such, it might be worth your time to learn the skills and become a data analyst.

But unlike other career paths on this list, data analysis can be challenging. This is due to the technical demands of the jobs. If you lack the necessary IT knowledge, it might be worth your time to try something else on this list.

Professional Skill #6: Software Development

Yet another technically demanding job, software development is again on the rise. Some of the skills needed to master software development include technical programming language skills, AI and machine learning, creativity, and even data analysis, among others hard and soft skills.

Regardless, a career as a software developer can be quite rewarding. If you do master the series of professional skills necessary to be a software developer, expect a salary between $84,000 and $140,000.

The demand for software development is an encouraging factor why you should give it a go. According to BSL.gov, software development jobs are expected to grow 22% from 2020 to 2030.

Finishing Thoughts

As the demand for certain skills grows, mastering the most in-demand professional skills will help you reach a six-figure salary. What’s even more encouraging is that you can master these skills from home.

The internet allows access to tons of resources that you can use. So for those of you who are looking for a job to work from home, I hope this list helps you identify the skills necessary to achieve that.

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Author Bio:

Erik Bergman

Erik Bergman co-founded Catena Media and helped grow it to over 300 employees and a $200 million valuation before stepping away to start Great.com, an iGaming organization that donates 100% of its profits to environmental charities. In addition to running a successful online affiliate business, Erik also hosts the Becoming Great podcast, shares entrepreneurship tips with his more than 1 million social media followers, and contributes to sites like Entrepreneuer.com, Business Insider, Foundr, and Forbes.