4 Ways To Make Your Next Business Meeting As Efficient As Possible


Business meetings have a tendency to run over the time allotted and to run off track. That can cause employees to get bored and lose focus really quickly.

Whether meeting with employees or clients, you need to know how to run those meetings more efficiently so that people don’t start to get bored.

This ensures that you cover everything you need to cover and that everyone gets out in a timely manner. Here are some tips to help you run a business meeting in an organized and efficient way.

4 Tips to Plan Successful Business Meeting

Ways To Make Your Next Business Meeting As Efficient As Possible

1. Create a Set Schedule

Before your next business meeting, sit down and write out a set schedule. Not only does having a schedule help you stay on track and watch time but it helps everyone else know what to think and expect.

No one likes going to a meeting and not knowing what to expect. That is why it is always essential to include a schedule. Make sure that your schedule includes a hard start time, soft start time and everything you want to cover.

You can even decide how long you want to spend on each topic discussed. Although you may not have much time to discuss each topic you want to make sure that you cover everything and come up with a decision if necessary.

It is a good idea to push making decisions to avoid having to meet again on the same topic later. You may also want to try to give an allotted amount of time to each subject matter so that you can be sure to get to everything.

Make copies to hand out to others in attendance to keep the meeting on track. That way everyone can stay on top of time and know what to expect.

2. Use the Right Software

The right software can help your meetings run more efficiently too. PowerPoint lets you create presentations that feature graphs and charts that others can easily follow.

This cuts down on the time you spend explaining yourself and talking about subjects like profits, losses and focus group notes.

There is also software out there to help you plan business meetings. If you need to get and stay organized, you can opt for software, such as that from Add-On that you can use before, during and after meetings.

Perhaps the most important software to have is one for scheduling business meetings. Setting these up can be time-consuming as you need to maneuver around shifts, get tasks out of the way, and keep everyone notified of any changes.

Investing in schedule making apps for small businesses can save time and reduce possible conflicts. It provides a level of automation that every team member can rely on for short and long meetings. Some even provide a messaging platform for real-time communication. Furthermore, both employees and employers can get on the same page thanks to automatic notifications.

3. Choose the Best Time

You may not realize that your meetings go off track because you choose the wrong time. When it comes to efficiency and productivity in meetings, time is vital. Holding early morning meetings are potentially harmful because your employees may still be in the process of waking up and they may have a hard time paying attention.

On the other hand, meetings held towards the end of the day often go off track because workers just want to go home and are antsy from working all day.

It can also be hazardous to pick a time near lunchtime too. It is a good idea to select a time after lunch or a few hours after opening to ensure everyone stays focused and is awake.

Depending on where you are, consensus says the best time to schedule a meeting is between 10 AM and 2 PM. During this period, most employees are already prepared for work. Meetings at this time are also usually more productive since everyone has settled in. Workloads have yet to pile up as well, so there’s a lot of leeway for everyone to use.

You may also want to send out a survey asking people what time they would prefer to have regular meetings. That way you can try to find the best time for everyone. For better discernment, add reasons why the time might be favorable. You should also be open to suggestions on when and how long the meetings go. The point is to get everyone on board.

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4. Ask for Feedback

When your meetings do not run as efficiently as you would like, don’t be afraid to ask for some feedback. Set out comment cards that employees can fill out and submit anonymously about what they liked and didn’t like about that meeting.

Use that feedback to make simple changes relating to how you open and run those meetings, how you present information to others and even whether workers feel like they can ask questions and participate in those meetings.

Feedback is definitely the best way to improve meetings in your office because it allows you to cater your meetings to the needs and wants of your employees.

Final Words

An efficient business meeting can help you get decisions made on the spot and cover all the material you need to cover in a brief period of time.

You can give your clients the information they need about the business you do together and let your employees participate too. In a good and timely meeting you should be able to make a lot of decisions and get a lot of work done.

Using the right software, choosing the best time, asking for feedback and creating a set schedule can all be useful tools when it comes to having a successful business meeting.

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Author: Kara Masterson