How to Set Up Your Home Office For Perfect Productivity


Although it’s seen as a great perk to entice top talent and encourage work flexibility, employers still question whether allowing employees to work from home is more or less productivity.

However, there are studies to suggest that those who adhere to their work schedule from home are more productive with their work.

One of the common reasons for this is that they feel the quiet atmosphere and less distraction from co-workers allows them to concentrate more easily.

Furthermore, working from home means you can work in a setting that you’re comfortable with. This means you can control your environment and surround yourself with the relevant equipment and tools to work productively.

Here are some useful design and productivity tips that you can implement into your home office to create the perfect space for ultimate concentration.

6 Steps for Setting Up Your Home Office

set up home office perfect productivity

1# Find The Your Quiet Place 

Although home-life can be rather hectic with children running about and pets chasing each other around the place, there will be one spot in your house that helps you to get away from all the chaos. The majority of people tend to get distracted by even the littlest of noise in the background.

So, find a room that as far away as possible from the television and family rooms and includes a door if possible. That way, you can trap the quiet in your own office room.

2# Work With Fresh Space

A cluttered desk equals a cluttered mind and there’s no way you’ll be able to concentrate with such an environment.

It’s important that when you work, your desk is cleared and organised. Clutter can cause further stress and prevents you from working efficiently.

Keep folders and papers organised to the extent that you’re able to locate them easily when you need them.

We’re also not saying that you should have an empty desk but simply keep on there the equipment that you use the most with others stored away in an easy place you can access them when you need them.

3# Consider Some Greenery

Working outdoors isn’t exactly what we’re talking about here (although you’re more than welcome to work outdoors if it’s possible for you), but bringing in some greenery in your office space actually increases productivity for the mind.

Adding a small plant here and there around the place allows for clean air to circulate around the room and also adds a little personality to the place.

Similarly, opening a window regularly in your office works similar to ventilation suppliers fitting in a ventilation system at your workplace. It helps to prevent harmful particles lingering in the air and encouraging poor health.

4# Add A Bit Of Scent

Another design feature you can add to the office that is sure to increase your productivity is the use of candles and essential oils. Working cause stress from time to time as you fiddle with paperwork and spreadsheets.

However, soothing scents that linger around your office can help to restore the calm and block out the chances of procrastination. Scents such as lavender and jasmine are actually known to boost your productivity when it’s inhaled.

With a bit of effort and thought put into your home office workspace, the chances of the 4 pm slump hitting is less likely.

Productivity won’t be an issue with the right thought process considered and with the right planning for your home office, you might even be encouraged to work from home more often considering the amount of work you’re getting done.

5# Get Comfortable In Your Office

One of the main reasons for unproductivity in an office workspace is being uncomfortable. You’re due to spend long hours in there whilst you do your work so consider ensuring you won’t get a numb bum halfway through working. It’s only going to be another distraction.

Purchase ergonomic equipment when you’re working which can provide flexibility and comfort which is essential in working to the best of your ability.

Away from your desk, it’s always good to get regular breaks into your schedule so it gives you some space to refresh your brain before going back for round 2. Whatever you do to find comfort, make sure you grasp it.

6# Avoid Digital Distractions

A TV can drum up a heap of distractions from the volume limit to unexpectedly showing your favourite show. Even examples such as working too close to a room that has a TV running can be an unnecessary distraction.

Although they can be a great asset to have when you’re looking to take a break or get away from your work a bit, they shouldn’t be used whilst you’re working. You’re more than welcome to record your favourite show and watch it later in your half an hour break though.

Working from home can be seen as a privilege as well as a burden and there are reasons to suggest both sides. However, organising your home office in the right way and considering these tips will definitely suggest that working from home can be productive.

The main aspects you should take from the article is that it’s important where the office is located in your office and how it’s designed. These 2 elements will be crucial in whether you’ll be productive in your home office or not.

The points help to provide guidance on what aspects to consider when deciding on these 2 particular elements of your home office. You’ll be surprised by just how much work you can complete.

Author Bio: Jamie Costello is a business student based in Manchester. He’s currently building a University writing portfolio as part of his course and uses his work experience and education to provide the knowledge in his articles. He’s previously worked alongside experts at Airmatic which helped him provide points in this particular article.