Top 6 Mobile Security Patterns to Watch in 2021


A lot of organizations at present mingles corporate processes with mobile platforms, as well as have their applications.

Staying in touch with the consumer via the processes is profitable and convenient. Nevertheless, the increasing risks and vulnerabilities make it all the more important to secure apps, as well as other digital communication channels.

Otherwise, you risk making your brand a victim of cyber thieves. Mobile app development has become a major factor in the success of any eCommerce brand.

Furthermore, as the popularity of mobile apps has escalated to greater heights among users, security is equally important as the features.

Mobile Security Patterns

As data within an app could be very vulnerable, security measures should be undertaken by mobile app developers today.

Hackers these days are on the lookout to gain the personal information of users for their  gain, thus again developers should be more careful.

We have often talked and discussed the top mobile security trends this year, describing the overall market, as well as providing useful tips.

2020 Mobile Security Status

When utilizing DevOps and the cloud

There is a rising number of threats. The convenience of DevOps and cloud technologies is obvious.

The solutions could boost business efficiency significantly. They nonetheless put organizations vulnerable and at risk of third parties.

Active third-party software use

APIs and open-source libraries are a modern way of simplifying mobile apps The same with the cloud, it’s very efficient and convenient.

The intensity of hackers would increase hugely because of the careless utilization of open-source tools. Thus, next year, organizations should rethink the strategy related to analyze and protect against cyber issues.

The threat of remote workers to the corporate network

Next year, it’s expected that a relatively new risk would surface. The cause being the remote employees as a possible threat to information security, due to low WiFi network security.

There are furthermore mobile and connected home devices vulnerabilities that could serve as the entry point into the system of an organization.

Mobile Security Patterns to Watch out for

Today is the right time to discuss the latest trends in mobile app security.

1# Sensitive public data protection

The digitalization in business has led to the rising amount of financial, corporate, and personal data being stored in the cloud. This year unfortunately, information leaks are a given, meaning that the sensitive data protection issue is the most acute mobile security trend.

There are several ways of protecting databases, masking of technology, and encrypting information could be noted. They are however not enough. The main objectives of attacks in mobile security includes:

  • Hidden mining
  • Illegal funds receipt
  • Theft of data for resale
  • Different extortions
  • Corporate espionage

Mobile Security Patterns

The number of infrastructure databases of companies is growing constantly, and a company could have several of them, each one focused on its business task in particular.

All these databases require protection, which often are expensive and complex. A good solution would be consolidating numerous databases in one server.

This strategy enables streamlining the management approach, as well as to utilize equipment resources as efficiently and effectively as possible.

2# Adaptive security for mobiles

Adaptive security means an integrated approach to respond to threats in mobile apps. This strategy takes into consideration the information security and risk management as ongoing, based on the prediction and prevention of cyber threats.

Furthermore, it’s also about keeping on guard all the time, staying alert and ready for new vulnerabilities in a mobile app.

3# Provide the best protection against phishing

One of the most dangerous threats is phishing attacks. Their main purpose as you would be aware of, is accessing confidential data of a user, including credit card numbers, logins and passwords, email, and more.

Over the past year, in a new study, the number of phishing instances has grown. How can phishing attacks vary in 2020? Let’s find out.

SIM jacking

Sim jacking Or activating a phone number on the SIM card of a criminal. A fraudster will contact the mobile operator’s representatives and convinces them that the SIM is hacked, thus transferring a phone number to another card is necessary.

Should it succeed, the criminal will have access to the whole digital life of a victim, which include social networks, email, and mobile application accounts.

Outside email phishing

Phishing via email, as well as other similar channels are not news, and businesses are taking the measures necessary to provide the right protection.

Now, however, is the time for an attack via the mobile space. And, not all brands are ready to respond to this new threat.

Use of well-known brands for phishing attacks

Scammers at present have been hiding behind the name of a particular renowned company to achieve their goal. Facebook, Apple, or Google inspire user trust who don’t mind getting an SMS mailing from these brands.

Cyber criminals are inventing new ways of phishing attacks implementation, among others, resorting to HTTPS verification-based websites, and encryption.

Use real information to begin phishing attacks

The 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo is an example. Attackers create fake ticket sales apps, say, sending promotion mailings for instance with malicious links.

Even the best mobile security measures unfortunately could not all the time prevent the harmful effects, thus the user himself should be extra vigilant.

4# IDM, or Identity Management

The best security in mobile apps requires a reliable and intelligent multi-factor authentication and device identification, particularly in terms of business systems.

It explains perfectly the development and emergence of IDM or Identity Management services that make use of a new identification approach.

The truth is that by now, the authentication model is not user-centric anymore. These days, it has become machine component-based, and IDM systems are taking it to full advantage. Thus, organizations are introducing IDM systems actively to:

  • Automate access users provision based on organization policies
  • Streamlining business systems management, which often are tied to mobiles
  • Eliminate human error factor
  • Withdraw user access that are not necessary to those whose role in the brand has changed

5# Cybersecurity solution developer’s collaboration

Often, developers build open-source libraries and share their best practices and experiences. This applies to mobile app security as well. Next year, the community of cybersecurity development could expand more.

Furthermore, it’s expected that the mobile application security Q&A would be more active. Already, experts are helping one another through answering queries on the topic, and this trend would continue to evolve.

6# Machine Learning applied to Mobile Application Security

Already, protection that’s machine-based is expected to be relevant still, enabling organizations to create more adaptive and flexible threat detection methods. The aim of a machine learning-based protection includes:

Unfortunately, hackers also use machine learning solutions to find a way to benefit from them. Experts say that the next step would be to utilize machine learning tools to study business software for detecting mobile application vulnerabilities and the least secure systems.


In any mobile application development, security plays a crucial role, thus using the best practices in mobile app protection is paramount.

Whether the mobile app is for a small or big company, cybersecurity is of utmost relevance to keep users and personal information safe at all times.

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Author Bio: H.P Morgan is an IT Consultant at TatvaSoft Australia, which is a Mobile App development company in Melbourne. From an IT background he loves to write informative and insightful articles .His passion is to help in providing high-quality mobile development solutions for businesses and start-ups.