5 Benefits of Using Promotional Products in Marketing Your Business


While traditional media has found itself fighting to keep advertisers interested in the face of massive competition from new, digital-content creators, the likewise “old-school” use of promotional products continues in much the same way as it always has, for the simple reason that it works.

It offers the same three, key benefits as it always has.

5 Benefits of Using Promotional Products in Marketing Your Business

promotional products in marketing

1# Helping marketing budgets to go further

In the old days, brands had to pay high prices to get their brands in the most coveted positions in newspapers, radio and television.

Now brands have to pay high prices to have their brands come up in response to keyword searches and/or be promoted by the most relevant influencers, even if they are micro-influencers.

Promotional products, however, are priced in a way which reflects the objective costs of their creation much more than the subjective value attached to being seen “in the right place” or “with the right kind of people” and hence tends to be both more affordable and more cost-effective.

2# Getting your brand in front of (potential) customers

Even though people spend increasing amounts of time online, we all still live in the real world rather than the digital one, hence it still makes a great deal of sense for companies to make reasonable efforts to get their brands in front of customers as they go about their daily lives in the real world.

Basically, if you can offer a customer something which improves their life in some way, even if it’s “only” by making their day a little brighter, then you will have take a step forward in improving their opinion of you.

With that in mind, it’s worth noting that although we’re using the broad term “promotional products” as we’re discussing their use in general, it’s very important to give some thought to the choice of the right promotional product for your intended purpose.

The long-standing (and very relevant) guideline is that a promotional product should entertain, inspire, educate or facilitate and these days it is becoming increasingly important that promotional products are seen to be appropriately sustainable.

While this may seem like a big ask, it’s not only feasible, even on a budget, but actually opens up some exciting opportunities for companies which are prepared to apply a bit of creative thinking.

For example, you could swap out the old, disposable, plastic biros for reusable biros, mechanical pencils or just ordinary pencils and switch out the old-faithful of mugs for travel cups, water bottles or reusable sporks and/or straws. If you really want to stand out with something creative and fun, how about using custom shaped promotional sticky notes? These will surely grab everyone’s attention, and at the same time they’ll provide a useful tool that won’t end up getting thrown in the trash.

Depending on your brand or the type of products or services you sell, you might want a corporate product that not only grabs customers’ attention but also their taste buds! Promotional confectionery has continued to be popular choice of promotional product as not only can you choose from different flavours of chocolate but the exterior packaging can also be just as interesting as the sweets or chocolate inside.

3# Improving customer engagement

Get the right promotional products in front of the right people and you can get a conversation started, which is the very beginning of the engagement process.

Promotional products are a massively effective way to encourage people to check out your online presence and assuming that you are making sure that their visits are rewarded with high-quality, relevant and engaging content, then you have a very decent chance of converting the recipients of your promotional products into online followers, customers and, ultimately, into ambassadors for your brand.

4# Continue customer loyalty

Yes, every business wants new custom, but don’t forget about the customers who were with you from the start or repeat customers who continue to support your brand.

Promotional products can be used to send your ‘thanks’ to these customers, after all your repeat customers are much easier to sell to and they are more likely to talk and recommend your business if you can show them that you value their time and custom.

So, what types of products are suitable for repeat customers? In some cases you may know their birthday, this may be from a saved account they have with you.

Sending a card or even something edible just before their big day will remind them why they have continued using your business for their needs and may even spur them on to visit your products.

5# Trade Shows and Business Events

Depending on your industry, hiring a stall at a trade show or business event could prove to be successful with a little help from promotional products. By having these at hand, whether they’re leaflets, pens or even branded sweets, handing these out to passer-bys is a brilliant opportunity to not only start a conversation about your business but it also ensures visitors leave with an item that showcases your brand.

With your promotional item making its new home in their bag, should they reach for a pen or a quick snack, your brand logo is in front of them once again.

It also presents the opportunity of other people seeing your promotional products and engaging in conversation about the product they received or what your brand is about.

Although trade shows are extremely useful for B2C, how do you use promotional products for B2B? If you or one of your team members is giving a presentation at a local business meeting, why not create a table display that includes your promotional products?

Opting for useful products / stationery that can be used back at the office is always a good idea but that’s not to say a corporate cupcake wouldn’t go amiss.

Author Bio: Adele Thomas is a Director at Distinctive Confectionery, a supplier of personalized confectionery in the B2B promotional products industry.