5 NLP-Based Paraphrasing Tools That Can Be Used To Rephrase Content


Paraphrasing is a necessary technique for writers nowadays. Due to the proliferation of the internet and the swarm of content marketing that came with it, there is an overabundance of content.

This accumulation of content occurred because of the huge demand and the proven effectiveness of content marketing.

Unfortunately, this means that writers are always swamped with work and this negatively affects various aspects of their life. However, using paraphrasers, writers can obtain several benefits and reduce their workload.

What is NLP?

NLP-Based Paraphrasing Tools

NLP stands for Natural Language Processing. It is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with linguistics and understanding human languages.

Machine learning (which is a branch of AI) is used to teach computers how to read and understand natural languages.

Paraphrasers with NLP can understand not only the words but also the context of the content. Then, they rewrite the text without changing its context.

Moving forward, we are going to discuss five NLP-based paraphrasing tools that can be used to rewrite content.

Five NLP-Based Paraphrasing Tools

1. Paraphraser


Paraphraser.io is an online toolkit. Its main tool, which is obvious from the name, is a paraphrasing tool.

This tool uses NLP to peruse and rewrite your content. It has multiple modes for paraphrasing in different ways. But, not all modes are free to use. Some of them require you to upgrade your account. The upgrade costs 20 USD per month or 150 USD per year.

The free modes are as follows:

  • Standard
  • Fluency

The Standard mode uses the simplest algorithm and does not employ AI. It works by only replacing a few words from the entire text with their synonyms. It does not have any particular rules related to which synonyms will be preferred or not.

The output of the Standard mode can be very difficult to read sometimes if the synonyms used were complicated. However, it does a good job overall.

The Fluency mode uses a more complex algorithm. It is designed to increase the readability of the content. As such, this tool specifically replaces words and phrases with their relatively easier synonyms. It also changes the sentence structure of difficult sentences.

The overall result of the Fluency mode is great. The output is much easier to read and the text flows together better. There are no grammatical mistakes and the paraphrased content is appreciably different from the input.

2. Linguix


Linguix.com paraphraser and grammar checker is a 2-in-1 tool that offers immense value to its users.

It utilizes artificial intelligence to check the context of the entered text before rephrasing it. It works quite differently as compared to Paraphraser.io.

For starters, it does not have multiple paraphrasing modes. Instead, it offers different variations of the paraphrased text.

To get the most out of Linguix, you need to create a free account. Once you have the account you can unlock many features that increase the utility of the tool.

You can create documents in Linguix in which you can paste or type your content. To rephrase the content, you just need to press Ctrl + A and click the icon that shows up.

Linguix will provide you with suggestions one by one for each sentence starting from the first. The suggestions are shown in a pop-up window, and you can select the version that you like.

You do this for each sentence and it will result in your entire text being rephrased. Since you can choose the version you want, you can somewhat personalize and customize the output as per your need and requirement.

Linguix can show you stats related to your text, such as:

  • Readability
  • Average word length
  • Average sentence length
  • Words
  • Characters
  • Reading time
  • Speaking time

Linguix also allows you to affect the paraphrasing by specifying your English level and as well as your targeted audience (Business, education, friends, and family). You can also specify if you write in US English or UK English.

3. Prepostseo – Paraphrasing tool


The paraphraser by Prepostseo.com is a great tool. It can rephrase almost a thousand words in one session and it can do so using different paraphrasing modes.

There are three modes available for free users and they are called:

  • Simple mode
  • Advanced mode
  • Fluency mode

These modes work as follows.

The Simple mode only replaces some words with their synonyms. The results can be anything from lackluster to pretty good. The Simple mode does not use AI. However, you can edit the results to your liking.

The Advanced mode is an upgrade over the Simple mode. It not only changes phrases and words but also allows you to edit the output. The replacement words and phrases are written in different colors, and clicking on them opens a menu of similar words. This allows you to customize the paraphrasing a little bit. You can also add your own word in the field provided.

Paraphrasing Tool

The Fluency mode is a bit different. It basically changes anything it needs to make the text easier to read. So, it will change words, phrases, sentences, tone, and sentence structure to achieve that result.

The tool is free to use and does not require registration. It allows you to check up to 1,000 words per query.

4. Custom-writing


The paraphraser of custom-writing.org is an effective rewriting tool. It is free to use and does not require registration.

You can input up to 6,500 characters for paraphrasing in one session.  The tool does not offer multiple modes or even variations. But, you can choose the percentage of words that will be replaced.

The percentage is controlled by a four-point slider. Each point represents 20%, so when the slider is on the left-most side, 0% of words will be changed. With each point you move towards the right, the percentage will increase by 20%, reaching a maximum of 100%.

The results are customizable. Various words and phrases are colored differently and clicking on them let you change them with a synonym. This makes it easy to personalize and edit the output.

5. Ivypanda


The paraphraser of Ivypanda.com is quite similar to the one provided by custom-writing.org.

You can choose the percentage of words to be replaced. The predetermined percentages are: 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100.

This tool also does not have multiple paraphrasing modes, but you can change the words and phrases in the output. When you click on the colored words, a drop-down menu will open. This menu contains other synonyms related to that word.

The output has multiple colored words/phrases and each color represents the match level of the replaced words with the original. The colors are as follows:

  • Blue means that the synonyms match very well.
  • Yellow signifies that the match is average.
  • Red shows that the match is below average.

This tool allows you to check 5,500 characters per query. It is free to use and doesn’t require registration.


Paraphrasers are very nifty and useful tools. In this article, we discussed five paraphrasers. All of them were free tools that could be used without an account.

Some of these tools provided multiple paraphrasing modes which had different results. These modes aimed to perform a specific function like simple paraphrasing, increasing readability, etc.

Other tools had customizable outputs with color coding. They did not provide multiple paraphrasing modes but they provided different variations of rewritten sentences.

Different paraphrasers serve slightly different purposes. Writers should use the ones that suit their needs.

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Author: Donald Louis