Top 8 Reasons to Get Channel Letter Signs


Channel letter signs are 3D signs that grab the attention of anyone who sees them. You can get individual lighting on each letter, and the colors and fonts can be made to match the branding of your business. You might see them in banks, office buildings, hospitals, and retail stores, and they come in many different colors and styles.

The channel letters have a unique pattern that allows people to connect them to your brand. Take a look at the top eight reasons to get channel letter signs.

8 Reasons to Get Channel Letter Signs

Reasons to Get Channel Letter Signs

1. They Are Easy to Read

Channel letters are large, 3D letters that can be mounted on many different surfaces. When you choose this type of lettering for your signage, you are increasing its visibility.

People will be better able to read your sign, and they will identify your business. This is a great way to develop name recognition and draw customers to your store.

2. There Are Many Design Options

As a business, the design of your sign has an impact on how people perceive your business. When you choose channel letters, you can choose different colors and fonts. You can have a different color on each letter, or you can group colors together.

The sign is an extension of your business, and it can reflect the colors you already use on letterhead. You can often add your logo to the sign as well, which ensures that people recognize your business.

3. There Are Different Lighting Options

When you light up your sign, people can see it night or day. You can choose different types of LED lighting. Backlit signs are dramatic, and they outline the letters in light. The LED modules are through the letter, so you will have them outlined in the color of your choice.

If you want front-lit letters, they will be lit evenly from the front. They will stand out. You can choose different combinations of lighting, including side lighting, or you can choose black and white to contrast day and night.

4. It Upgrades Your Sign

Upgrading your sign so that you stand out from the competition is a great way to get people to notice you.

Your sign will have the channel letters with lighting, which makes them stand out. You can mount these letters on many different kinds of surfaces, and it looks great. People will be able to identify with your business.

5. It Comes with Different Mounting Options

Another great thing about channel letter signs is that they are extremely versatile when it comes to mounting options. No matter what your situation is, you can find a way to mount your sign.

You can do raceway mounting where the letters are mounted to metal, or you can do any kind of sign that works for your building and your display. Whether you want the sign suspended or mounted directly onto a building, you can do it.

6. It Helps You Build Your Brand

Another reason to use channel letter signs is that it helps you build your brand. You can match the letters to your company branding, and you can even include your logo.

This makes your sign an extension of what your customers are already familiar with. New customers will see it and connect with your brand.

It helps to draw in new customers because the lit up lighting in the letters stands out. The reason that so many types of businesses, from schools to non-profits groups, churches to other organizations, all use this type of sign.

It is a powerful way to connect with people, and your sign is where customers make their first impression. As the first interaction your future customers will have, you want it to be memorable in a positive way.

7. They Are Cost-Effective

Channel letters use LED lighting, and they are energy-efficient and help lower your energy costs for your signage. They don’t require a lot of maintenance, and they are made to handle the conditions outside.

Some signs can be quite expensive to have on all the time, and people used to unplug them during the day. These signs are energy efficient, and you won’t have to worry about it. Whether you choose standard LEDs or RGBW LEDs, you will be able to enjoy your sign and make sure that customers can see it all the time.

8. People Can See Your Business From Further Away

When you have a clear sign with large letters that are lit up, people will be able to see it from off in the distance. You can choose a letter size that ensures that people can see it from as far away as you need them to.

Making sure that people notice your sign and see it anytime of night or day will help to grow your business and make sure that people can find you.

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Author: Jennifer