How Small Business Can Compete with Business Giants on Talent


The takeover of big business is oftentimes an arduous goal to achieve for small and relatively young companies. They have to cut through the red tape to stand out among huge companies. Hiring high-level employees might be the first step towards this goal.

There’re many advantages that huge corporations have over small businesses, but small companies have a diversity of benefits as well, so no need to give up.

7 Ways Small Business Can Compete with Business Giants

7 Ways Small Business Can Compete with Business Giants on Talent

1. Career Training and Development Programs

According to Chron, professional development programs attract more talented employees. In addition, offering career training and development keeps 86% of Millennials from quitting their current job.

The Balance says you should ask employees which programs they expect, what their career growth goals are. Find suitable personal and professional development programs relying on this information.

The demand for financial education is reported in 2 of 5 employers’ reports. Simple one-on-one phone consultations with money coaches, informal sessions, on-site financial workshops can have profound influences. Come up with the best option for your company.

2. Keep the Balance

People can’t get the full value from life working days and nights. Career is important, but we also have families, health issues, dreams, and goals outside the workplace.

As an employer or manager, part of your responsibility is to provide workers with the best opportunities to make them feel good about work. The definition of work-life balance is relatively baffled and has constantly been changing.

Usually, it’s associated with flexible hours, extended parental leave (both for new moms and dads), stable scheduling, support for ill workers and working parents. Try to follow one of those ways.

· Educate Yourself and Employees What Work-Life Balance Is

Hopefully, there’re many coaches and organizations that offer online courses or visit business centers with webinars and lectures.

You can become a lecturer yourself – learn information from the Internet or visit a lesson and arrange a couple of meeting with employees in the office.

Spread a questionnaire with questions regarding the work-life balance before the session. Ask what workers expect and need.

· Encourage Efficiency Instead of Overworking

Extra shifts and long hours at work may be fruitful and bring some results. However, it deteriorates workers’ health, the quality of their work and satisfaction as well.

Encourage workers to work effectively throughout a day and leave the workplace in time. To increase the efficiency, use appropriate communication between employees, make a well-planned schedule, arrange office items in proper places, break down every project into basic and prepare every step beforehand in order to avoid rearranging in future.

Compared to large corporations, small businesses benefit here. It’s easier to organize staff as long as the number of people is smaller and it takes less time to reach every human in the office.

· Hobbies and Interests

It’s wise to know what people that surround you are interested in. Are there any football fans in the company? Arrange public view in the office or outside.

Thus, you’ll keep the balance and demonstrate how important your employees are for you. Such things unite people into the strong team, give a sense of meaningful work and inclusion.

3. Hold on to Your Most Talented Workers

You already have talents in your team. Are they willing to stick around long enough? Statistics say, 44% of workers would leave their current job for one that pays more.

Provide employees with the best working environment to avoid having your workers lured away by bigger, higher paying companies. Some common and creative employee perks won’t hurt the company’s budget. Conversely, they’ll demonstrate your appreciation and respect.

“Workplace perks really matter. They can boost motivation, enhance morale, inspire staff and unite team spirit and it’s never too late to add the best benefits to your plan. While some companies attract talents by raising salaries, really cool jobs think outside the box to get employees excited about the working process”- says Brenda Sommers, HR manager at Skillroads.

4. Create a Flexible Work Environment

We already mentioned balance – flexibility is an important component of it. Long hours in the cubicle world-grey carpets and fluorescent light around often kill productivity and creativity.

Even if your office is as colorful as a rainbow, employees would appreciate a chance to work outside the office from time to time.

For example, 82% of the U.S. workers say the ability to work from anywhere at any time helps them maintain a healthy work-life balance while 46% of employees would agree on a lower paying job with more flexible working arrangements.

5. Give New Ideas a Chance to Develop

What advantages do large corporations have over small businesses? They usually offer more opportunities for career and personal growth. In the war for talent, it may play a decisive role.

However, among small business employee benefits is a freedom that you can present to newcomers. In big business companies, some spontaneous ideas usually go by unnoticeable, but you can promise to give it special attention.

· Support New Beginnings

Let them launch and take control of the projects, express ideas – make your company a field for new beginnings. Nothing motivates employees more than trust, respect, and support. Open up such opportunities and prove that working for small companies is worthwhile.

· Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Projects

Business News Daily notice that the company’s engagement in such projects attracts new customers even more than the excellent quality of the products.

Small business recruiting process also benefits here as long as such things engage your employees in environmental issues, thus gives them a sense of meaning and a chance to be more creative.

6. Use Networking for Your Advantage

Reach identifying partners such as co-ops, networking groups, chambers of commerce to increase the exposure of your brand. The membership in these groups will make more people aware of your company and even bring some word-of-mouth referrals.

Even, if you’re competing in business with similar companies, collaboration is important and fruitful for both sides.  Try to build relationships with nearby colleges and let graduating students know where they can find a job.

7. Give Your Company Unique Image

Positive company culture attracts new people and makes current workers happier. Entrepreneur says you should honor any wins and milestones, always give your feedback.

The same way, your team members must respect you and each other. Nothing captures attention more than a friendly and supportive atmosphere within a company. It’s noticeable from the first steps in the office and visits of company’s online pages.

· Use Social Media

In order to become closer, propose your team to make a spoof video, arrange interviews for workers, and post it in social media. It gives your company an image. Develop company’s profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook, and alike social platforms. Inc recommends make your website attractive and eye-catching both to new customers and workers.

Estimate your strong and weak sides and come up with your own unique ideas and hiring tips for small business. Maybe, you can’t offer competitive wages and stable career growth as your bigger opponents do right now, but you can steal a march on them by being more creative, agile and committed.

About the author: Alice Berg is a blogger and a career advisor, who received a degree in Social Work and Applied Social Studies. Now she helps people to find their own way in life, gives career advice and guidance, helps young people to prepare for their careers. Alice maintains a strong interest in progressive technologies and how they change the world around us. You can find Alice on Twitter.