140+ Authority Websites That Accept Guest Posts


Are you looking for authoritative websites and blogs that accept guest posts? Look no more.

I’ve have compiled a list of blogs and websites that accept guest posts. Before we dive into the list. Let me share “what is guest blogging” and “why it is beneficial for online businesses?”

What is Guest Blogging?

Guest blogging or a.k.a guest posting is the practice of contributing an article to another relevant blog and website in order to build authority, exposure, link-building and relationships.

As I said above, guest posting is highly beneficial for online businesses. If you start guest blogging on relevant and authority websites that accept guest posts, then your business website will reap the rewards in various ways. For example, it will help you to increase your domain authority, page authority, domain rating, URL rating and Alexa ranking.

Further, guest blogging does not only increase your SEO metrics (especially off page SEO) but also helpful in increasing your web traffic.

Now, let’s explore huge list of guest blogging sites with respect to different niches. You just need to explore the following list and choose the websites that matches with your business/website/blog nature and approach them for guest blogging.

Websites That Accept Guest Posts

List of Business Blogs & Websites That Accept Guest Posts

The following websites and blogs pertain to small business, entrepreneur, leadership and productivity niches.

1# Linkedin.com

LinkedIn is one of the best social networking site which enable professionals to connect each other and find job opportunities. Along with social networking and job opportunities, you can also publish your content on LinkedIn.

2# Forbes.com

Forbes is one of the renowned American business magazines famous for publishing business, investing, financing, entrepreneurship, leadership, technology and lifestyle related contents.

3# Mashable.com

Mashable is a another digital media website founded by Pete Cashmore in 2005. It is good magazine to submit your business guest posts and tech news.

4# Fastcompany.com

A leading American business magazine famous for publishing business, technology  and design related articles. Visit their website and submit your guest post for editorial review and approval.

5# Copyblogger.com

6# Socialmediaexaminer.com

7# Socialmediatoday.com

8# HuffingtonPost.com

9# Smallbiztrends.com

10# Entrepreneur.com   

11# Sitepronews.com

12# Searchenginepeople.com

13# Inspirationfeed.com

14# My Venture Pad

15# Business2community.com   

16# Blog.kissmetrics.com   

17# Evancarmichael.com 

18# TechWyse.com

19# Articles.bplans.com

20# Matthewwoodward.co.uk

21# JCount 

22# Blogengage.com 

23# Promotionworld.com

24# Startupchamp.com

25# Smallbusinessesdoitbetter.com 

26# Blog.mycorporation.com 

27# Brazen.com 

28# Smallbusinessesdoitbetter.com 

29# Youronline.biz   

30# Fincyte.com

Fincyte is a small business magazine regularly sharing latest business and technology trends. Till now, the website has allowed hundreds of authors to publish their guest posts.

31# Successharbor.com 

32# Asianentrepreneur.org

33# Comluv.com     

34# Growmap.com   

35# Productiveflourishing.com 

36# Mytopbusinessideas.com     

37# Mirasee.com 

38# Theselfemployed.com 

39# Wanentrepreneur.com 

40# Yfsmagazine.com 

41# careermetis.com

42# starthubpost.com

43# StartupIdeas.net

Startup Ideas is a relatively a new blog, focusing on latest startup business ideas and entrepreneurial resources.

List of Marketing Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

A Futuristic Approach in Marketing Sector

The following list of blogs and websites pertain to marketing, blogging and make money niche.

44# WPSauce.com

45# ResizeMyImg.com

46# NavThemes.com

47# Marketingprofs.com

48# Dailyblogtips.com 

49# Boostblogtraffic.com 

50# Incomediary.com 

51# Shoutmeloud.com 

52# Thewritelife.com

53# Easym6.com   

54# Bloggers Path  

55# Smartbloggerz.com 

56# Bloggingpro.com     

57# Trafficgenerationcafe.com

58# Allbloggingtips.com 

59# Onlineincometeacher.com 

60# Dragonblogger.com

61# Bloggodown.com 

62# Quickregister.net 

62# iblogzone.com 

63# Webtrafficroi.com   

64# Madlemmings.com     

65# Spiceupyourblog.com 

66# Freelancersunion.org 

67# Ducttapemarketing.com

68# Famousbloggers.net

69# Blog.triphp.com 

70# Stylifyyourblog.com

71# Contentmarketingup.com 

72# Guestpostblogging.com                         

73# Wpdemand.com   

74# epife.com

75# Ladyqs.com

77# Mombeing.com

Mombeing is a technically a mommy blog and often publish blog posts on how to make money or make a living for house wives and moms. Its a new blog but good for guest blogging.

List of Technology Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

Top 5 Technology Trends Empowering Small Business Insights

Following websites accept blogs on technology topics.

76# Techwalls.com 

77# Gigaom.com

78# Slashdot.org   

79# Sitepoint.com   

80# Technicallyeasy.net 

81# Techjuice.pk    

82# Pakwired.com 

83# Makezine.com 

84# Troublefixers.com   

85# Itechcode.com   

86# Riyaz.net         

87# Android-apps.com 

88# Buzz2Fone 

89# Tlists

90# Techmaish.com 

91# Techsling.com

92# Callingallgeeks.org   

93# Tips4pc.com   

94# 52weeksofgeek.com 

95# Wikifo.com

96# acodez.in

97# Psysci.co

98# Microcreatives.com

100# Techengage.com

101# OnYourDesks.com

On Your Desks is a another new blog usually publish productivity, marketing, and technology related contents. If you are interested in guest posting on this blog, feel free to contact them.

102# BlogJunta.com

If you are looking for small but good technology blogs for guest posting, then BlogJunta shall be in your list. This website also accept guest posts. Contact the editor and pitch your topic ideas for approval.

List of Finance Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

Highest Paying Jobs in Finance

The following blogs and websites pertains to money management, investment and finance blogs.

103# Wisebread.com

104# Moneycrashers.com   

105# Investing.com       

106# Financialsense.com 

107# Thecollegeinvestor.com

108# Iwillteachyoutoberich.com

109# Moneysavingmom.com

110# Savingadvice.com

111# Modestmoney.com 

112# Onecentatatime.com

113# Whitecoatinvestor.com   

114# Thirtysixmonths.com 

115# Manvsdebt.com   

116# Freefrombroke.com

117# Canadianbudgetbinder.com 

118# Financialuproar.com 

119# Seekingalpha.com 

120# Getrichslowly.org

121# Get Lenny  

122# Fatwallet.com     

123# Benzinga.com

124# Cashmoneylife.com   

125# Lazymanandmoney.com 

126# Biblemoneymatters.com 

127# Livingrichwithcoupons.com

You make like to Read: The Ultimate list of Make Money Writing Websites

Educational Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

The following websites share regular contents pertain to education and information.

128# Proprofs.com

129# Edugorilla.com

Best Psychology and Life Improvement Blogs Accepting Guest Posts

Following websites and blogs are famous for sharing life improvement, personal growth and psychology related contents.

130# Lifehack.org 

131# Selfgrowth.com 

132# Stevenaitchison.co.uk 

133# Mysuperchargedlife.com   

134# Hackcollege.com

135# Timemanagementninja.com   

136# Writehacked.com   

137# Goalzila.com

138# Psychologytoday.com 

139# Pickthebrain.com   

140# Thechangeblog.com

141# Dumblittleman.com

142# Momeomagazine.com 

143# Whitedovebooks.co.uk

Health Blogs Accepting Guest Posts

Budgeting for Band-Aids Your Guide to Healthcare Finance Planning

Following blogs accept health guest blog posts from outside authors.

144# Well-beingsecrets.com

Life Style & Travel Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

Following list of blogs accept contents on travel, lifestyle and matrimonial topics.

145# Marriage.com

146# Tripfore.com

147# Dozmia Blog

148# Luxurytravel.info

149# Roadsyoutravel.org

News Guest Blogging Sites

There are thousands of news websites and blogs that accept quality guest posts. If you are looking for authority websites to submit your story, then here are some of the prominent ones:

150# BBC.com

151# Nytimes.com

152# WashingtonPost.com

153# WorldNewsViews.com

Wrapping Up

Hope, you found this “best guest blogging list” helpful. I’d like to share a pro tip here. If you find good website that accept guest blogs and decide to publish your guest post on that website, then you should prior check following SEO metrics before your article.

  • Domain Authority, Page Authority and Spam Score via MOZ
  • Domain Rating and UR Rating via Ahref SEO Tool
  • Trust Flow and Citation Flow using Majestic SEO Tool

If you the website has good DA, PA, DR and TF, then go for it and pitch your ideas.

Editor’s Note: More guest posting blogs will be added soon. If you want to suggest any websites that accept guest posts, kindly mention it in the comment box or contact us, we will review and include it upon updating this list.

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