
This section is especially dedicated to marketers. Here we regularly publish latest marketing tips, advice, trends, and insights of small business. Browse this section to get tips on small business branding, social media marketing, email marketing and much more.

influencer marketing

Influencers: How to Use Influencer Marketing To Help Promote and Sell Your Products

People have always been influenced by celebrities they look up to. Whether it’s Michael Jordan wearing Nike’s, Justin Bieber parading around in Calvin Klein’s, or Charlize Theron spraying Dior on her...
11 Surprisingly Practical Email Marketing Tips to Triple ROI

11 Surprisingly Practical Email Marketing Tips to Triple ROI

Are you getting the optimum ROI of your email marketing campaigns? Email has an average ROI of $38 for each $1 spent. If you are not getting $38 for each $1 you spend...
invest in marketing campaigns

What Percentage of your Profit should You Invest in Marketing?

There is no better feeling for entrepreneurs than to start a business and profits start trickling in. This is because you begin to feel as though you are doing something right...
How to Build a Network Marketing Organization

How to Build a Network Marketing Organization

If you use the usual tools in the business of direct sales or network marketing, and you contacted your warm market, i.e., with family, co-workers, business contacts, friends (and anyone else you have around...
15 Steps to Write Startup Marketing Plan

15 Steps to Writing a Startup Marketing Plan

To grow your new small business, you need to write a startup marketing plan. Creating a marketing plan can help you in many ways including customer identification and business growth in...
5 Killer Content Marketing Strategies for Small Budget Businesses

5 Killer Content Marketing Strategies for Small Budget Businesses

Believe it or not, every business needs content marketing strategies to survive in the competitive world. What if you got big business goals, but a small budget? You need to become...
Marketing Strategies to be Followed During a Pandemic

7 Marketing Strategies to be Followed During a Pandemic

As the pandemic has taken a toll on most businesses, has reduced customers and profits, and has affected the employment rate, this time is a crucial period for most businesses and...
10 Budget Smart Digital Marketing Strategies For New Organizations

10 Budget Smart Digital Marketing Strategies For New Organizations

While new companies with super valuations and a huge number of dollars in funding may get all the consideration, most new businesses are on much leaner spending plans For the dominant part...
Mobile Marketing Hacks Especially for Artistic Entrepreneurs

5 Mobile Marketing Hacks Especially for Artistic Entrepreneurs

There's a misconception about artists. Some people believe that so-called "creative types" are too flighty for hardcore business concepts, too absorbed by art to be serious about building a competitive company,...
4 Steps To Effectively Positioning Your Brand

4 Steps To Effectively Positioning Your Brand

Your business, large or small must be properly branded to ensure you are giving your audience what it needs to know and understand what it is you offer. A brand is...


How To Finding the Right Workspace For Your Miami Startup

Finding the right workspace for your Miami startup requires navigating a maze of possibilities in a bustling cityscape! It's a quest to uncover the...