9 Things Great Managers Do To Support Their Employees


Being a manager is a huge responsibility. This position involves a continuous struggle to search, try, and test countless strategies to create a happy workforce and motivate your employees to make a serious effort and give their best while performing their daily tasks.

Managers with sound knowledge and proven experience know how important it is to make a good team with your employees. That is the only strategy that ensures reaching your company’s goals, beating the competition, attracting new, and retaining current clients without any difficulties.

Having conducted thorough research on the topic, we have come to this list of all the things great managers do to support their employees and climb up the business ladder together.

Things Great Managers Do To Support Their Employees

1. Empower And Encourage

Great managers know how important it is to work with confident employees. Believing in their own knowledge and competence is essential for meeting everyday business challenges. Thus, one of the things they do to support the staff is to encourage each member to make decisions themselves regularly.

Remember that genuine leaders do not stand over their employees all the time. Instead, they teach them how to be independent and make business moves that are in line with the interests of the company they work for.

2. Motivator Not Intimidator

Experienced managers always know the right strategy to motivate and inspire their employees. Keeping optimism, enthusiasm, and positivity and eliminating stress, pessimism, and negativity, regardless of the current circumstances in the company or the assignments the employees are working on, is one of the essential workplace policies.

As a manager, you need to remove obstacles, organize the workload properly, and help the staff prioritize when involved in multitasking.

Being intimidating has never given any positive long term results. Unsurprisingly, it has only reduced productivity. Additionally, it helps employees to make the final decision and leave as soon as a new job opportunity somewhere else arises.

3. Be Reachable To Your Employees

One of the things great managers do to support their employees is making an effort to always be there for them.

If you expect to form a winning team with your staff, you will have to build a healthy relationship with them and be available whenever they need your assistance or help.

One of the most common mistakes managers frequently make is not communicating enough with their employees. This can result in poor performance, bad results, and delays.

Hence, if you organize staff meetings only at the beginning and the end of projects, you need to make some serious changes.

4. Find And Use The Strengths of Your Employees

As managers are in charge of organizing the workflow, they must understand the strengths and weaknesses of each employee.

Only this way will they be able to put each employee in the right position where they can achieve the best results and utilize their potential to the fullest.

Moreover, knowing the strengths of your employees will help you assign achievable tasks to each of them. This will help the entire team excel, be more productive, and successful.

5. Communicate Effectively

Communication is the key to any successful team. Brainstorming together, exchanging ideas, opinions, practices, and different approaches to a project, task, or problem can only improve the team’s efficiency and provide the whole company with better results.

As a wise manager, you should listen to your employees probably twice as much as you talk to them. Let them present their doubts, fears, and even dissatisfaction. It will allow you to discuss the issues or resolve any existing challenges.

6. Be Modest

Arrogance is simply unacceptable. Even though you are in a higher position in your company’s hierarchy, you must not look down on your employees.

Treat them as completely equal to you and give your best to understand their needs, expectations, and personal circumstances.

7. Feedback Matters

One of the things great managers do to support their employees is providing them with detailed performance feedback regularly.

This helps employees understand how good they are at completing assignments. They also learn how they can improve their skills and knowledge further.

When giving feedback, use the sandwich criticism tactic. Show appreciation and praise good things, before you switch to criticism if necessary. Members of your staff need to feel that you respect their effort.

However, you are also there to point to some changes which could bring more benefits to the company. End your analysis by once again pointing to the strong points in the performance. This will encourage the team to continue with good practices.

Organizing meetings in regular time intervals no longer than a month can be highly helpful. They are an opportunity to assess the completed projects or tasks.

Also, they can be used to make plans for future progress. During these meetings, managers can observe their employees more thoroughly and identify their strengths and skillsets.

Then, it will be easily manageable to position your employees properly according to their capabilities. You will be able to give them tasks they can accomplish without any major problems.

8. Help The Team Develop

Team development does not necessarily involve hiring new staff. Extraordinary managers know how to mentor, teach, and train their staff to help them leave their comfort zone and go beyond their current knowledge and skills.

When a new member enters the team, managers need to make the new employee feel welcome and give them the right position which suits the person’s competence, personality, and experience.

9. Lead By Example

Leading by example is imperative if you expect to cultivate a highly motivating and cheerful attitude at the office. Remember that your employees continuously observe what you say and do.

Making them perform tasks they believe you would not or could not complete yourself will only cause dissatisfaction, disappointment, and a lack of motivation. Understandably, this surely is not the effect you want to get.


Author Bio: Martin Navis is a copywriter who writes on a wide range of subjects. The strategies for successful commercial relocations were one of his favorite topics while he worked for Divine Moving and Storage. Currently, he is studying and writing about the best practices in business management.