How To Optimize Office Space?


Let’s discuss the importance of office space. We all know what an office is. However, not everyone understands how office space affects employees’ productivity, motivation, mood, and stress levels.

Every company should optimize office space in such a way that it makes employees feel better about spending time there. Consequently, they will be more efficient. Let’s see how to make that happen!

9 Ways To Optimize Office Space

How To Optimize Office Space

1. First, You Need A Plan & A Budget

Let’s make it clear; if you want to make any changes and optimize office space, you will need money. The amount of money depends on the current office condition.

Once you understand your financial limit, you should speak with all of your employees and ask them what office changes they would like to see.

Explain to them that you have a budget limit, so they don’t swarm you with expensive ideas. However, take into consideration all of their input, and try to make it happen.

If you don’t have money for this project, you can always look into small business loans.

Once you collect all of their ideas, carefully come up with a plan of action. See what ideas are doable, and include your own thoughts as well. When the office optimization plan is finished, you should reveal it to your employees.

Let them know that all of the changes are a part of the remodeling budget, and nothing else could be included. They need to understand that you are doing everything in your power to make office space better for them.

2. Open The Space

One of the first things you need to think about is how to open office space, and what to do with the old furniture. Uncomfortable chairs will directly affect how employees feel, and they even may lead to back pain.

You can sell old furniture to increase your moving budget and spend it on buying better chairs. Furthermore, think about the desks and cabinets your employees use.

They should have enough drawers and compartments for all of their stuff. Another important feature that some desks have is special sockets to hide the internet and phone cables, so everything looks neat.

If you need creative ideas, look for office designs that motivate employees. That is an excellent place to start. See if your office space is compatible with those ideas, and implement whatever you can.

3. Plan The Layout of Office Equipment

To optimize office space, you need to pay special attention to another critical element. That’s the layout of the office equipment like printers, computers, filing cabinets, and desks and chairs.

You need to place all equipment in such a way that it is easily accessible to everyone. There should be no cables on the ground. Furthermore, no employee should ever have to get up to make space for someone else who wants to access a piece of office equipment.

The best way to create an efficient layout is to sit down with your IT team. Ask them what they can do and what their suggestions are. Work together with them to come up with a layout that will help employees be more productive.

4. Use The Office Layout To Encourage Teamwork & Collaboration

It is so common that people work in a company, spend their working hours inside an office, and never meet anyone from other teams. This depends on the size of office space and the layout of the offices on the floor, but try to make joined space where multiple teams can work together.

Of course, have in mind that every office needs a quiet atmosphere, so avoid placing too many people in one room. However, if there is an opportunity for it, try to put 2 or 3 smaller teams that usually work together in a single office. They need to have enough space to work comfortably.

One other thing to consider is the Coronavirus pandemic. While helping teams work together and communicate, make sure to maintain social distance. If this proves impossible, it is better to separate teams for now and consider making this change when the situation allows it.

5. Every Office Needs Natural Light

Lighting will directly impact how your employees feel. It affects productivity, mood, and health. The best solution is to remove any drapes and place shades. Keep them lifted during the day, and only use them in case of bad weather or too much sunlight.

When it comes to people who work night shifts, consider the number of desk lamps and office lighting. You can buy LED lightbulbs to help employees get used to the night shifts easier. Furthermore, they will help protect their eyes when working in front of a computer.

6. Add Plants To All Offices

Plants affect a positive atmosphere, and they add color to the surroundings. Furthermore, they reduce stress levels and have a calming effect on employees.

It is a good idea to add a few plants to all offices. Don’t go crazy with colors; something green will do the work.

7. Set The Right Temperature

The optimal temperature for an office environment should be between 68F and 76F. Of course, different weather conditions require tweaking. To optimize office space, you need to create different temperature zones, so someone going in or out of the office has a mild transition from hot or cold to an average temperature.

Furthermore, now we have to consider the COVID-19 pandemic as well. If your employees are coming back to the office, make sure that the air circulation is constant. That reduces the risk of airborne transmission of the virus. Make sure your HVAC system meets the state COVID-19 guidelines.

8. Remodel The Restrooms

For an office space where all of your employees feel comfortable, the restrooms must be designed properly and always clean. Think about installing sensor-activated taps and paper towel dispensers to avoid any unnecessary contact, and bathroom partitions for extra privacy.

With the new materials and improved design that we have today, partitions don’t have to look cheap and dingy as they used to, they can actually improve the overall look and hygiene of your restrooms. Companies like offer a variety of solutions that you can choose from.

9. Add A Relaxing Room

Finally, the best way to optimize office space is to add a relaxing room. All employees need some personal space where they can talk, drink coffee, maybe play games when on break. This is the best approach to create a positive work environment and help people relax.

Optimize Office Space & Increase Employee’s Happiness

Let’s do a quick summary of the best ways to optimize office space:

  • plan your budget, and include employees in the decision-making process;
  • open the space by removing unnecessary furniture;
  • plan the office equipment layout;
  • use office layout to encourage teamwork, but be mindful of the social distancing guidelines;
  • make sure office space has enough natural light;
  • add plants to offices;
  • maintain optimum temperature and air circulation to prevent the COVID-19 transmission;
  • add a relaxing room for employees;

Follow these guidelines and optimize office space, and your employees will be thankful and happy. Consequently, they will be more productive and efficient when doing their job.

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Author Bio: John Alberts is a freelance writer and a blogger working for Wayfinder Moving Services. His articles focus on commercial relocation and office space improvements. In his spare time, John likes to play golf and spend time in nature.