11 Digital Marketing Strategies To Add in Your Action Plan


Digital marketing strategies are the basis and the building blocks of any business that is being done on the digital platform.

In fact, there are certainly so many strategies that you can put to use but it can be difficult to choose from so many strategies and also it can be difficult to understand about the strategies that will suit your digital marketing program the best.

In this case, we can figure out some of the general strategies that you can use in order to boost and stabilize your digital marketing program.

The 11 digital marketing strategies that will help you grow and prosper your digital marketing program are:

11 Best Digital Marketing Strategies

digital marketing strategies action plan

1# Start Following The 90/10 Rule

In the modern digital world, it is becoming harder and harder to stand out of so many and make an audience for yourself. The ever-growing online world is taking over at a rapid pace where being unique and new can be a little bit difficult.

Spreading yourself on the digital platform with new strategies can make the case even worse because it is going to narrow down very fast at this pace.

The 90/10 rule will clearly explain to you that you should always put 90% of your efforts and hard work in to doing a task remarkably well and in a way that it is unbeatable in its own way and you should put 10% of your time and hard work experimenting new things which will eventually help you in the future.

You should lean towards innovating more as compared to inventing something. This will surely help you grow and it will also give you a perspective.

2# Analyze The Utilization Of Different Tools

You should always be well versed with the utilization of different tools, starting with martech. This will help you do your work faster and with accuracy. Tools will help you understand and run your digital marketing program much better.

For example, Google Analytics is one of the best tools you can use to keep track of the activities that are being done under you Digital program and you can analyze about the sort of changes or up-gradations that you may want to do in order to make it better and innovative.

Other tools that can help you are the Google Keyword Planner and Google Adwords. These tools will help you grow as well as it will make your understanding of certain things a little better.

3# Perfect Measuring of Business Analytics

You should never ever focus on doing marketing just for the sake of earning and growing in terms of marketing. You should always have the aim of achieving your goals that can only be set by you. Further, you should do marketing to complete or accomplish an objective.

Digital tools will help to work like analytics will help you analyze but if you want to think outside the box, do that in writing on paper or get a board or you can even try writing every moment down on a notebook and try to go offline and work on spreadsheets to analyze and understand the working of your digital program.

4# Automate Your Work

You should realize that on certain aspects of your business and digital program, the process of automation will work wonders and it will also reduce the workload.

For this, you can set up alerts system for essential commodities in Analytics which will help you to keep a track on a lot of things like revenue, conversion, etc.

This will eventually help you to keep an eye on the aspects of your business which will require manual work. It is time-saving and workload efficient and that is what everyone should follow, rather than working hard, you should be working smart.

5# Quality Over Quantity

Quantity deviation of the audience is the thing of the past. There is so much content on the internet that people now prefer quality or quantity at all cost.

It is based on the statistics of recent times that people are becoming very particular about the content they want to see and this is giving quality a mile over quantity any day.

Create quality content and you will definitely have exposure which will be the building blocks of growing your business.

6# Learn How To Work With Machines

It’s been quite a while where there has been a battle between the human and the machines and this is the reason why machines are taking over because we are not able to figure out how to use them simultaneously and how to increase yield and decrease workload.

Rather than going with your instincts, you should think like a machine and analyze every possible scenario as this will give you an edge over others.

7# Focus on Monetization, Retention And Acquisition

Individuals, as well as firms that focus and put more efforts into the key factors of growing your business, grows three times faster and better than those who work more on the factors like acquisition.

On the other hand, the acquisition is important and it is certainly a key factor but it does not hold the driving seat for a business to grow.

You can work more on the factors like retention and monetization and it will take you a long way further to grow and prosper.

8# Act More Like A Friend on Social Media

You can emulate yourself being a more friendly person on social media as social media is one of the key factors in growing your business.

You can approach more and more people you know and be friendly with them because in one way or the other they may bring you business.

9# Focus on Your Own Brand And Expertise

You will have to make sure and keep a track that you are an expert in the field you might be into and also keep a check on whether the content is reaching the appropriate audience or not. This is a very crucial factor in terms of digital marketing strategies.’

Everything is about creating meaningful and insightful content which should reach your audience and grow your business.

10# Experiment With New Techniques

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As in the first point, 10% of your hard work and time should go into experimenting with new techniques and ideas that if successful, will take your business to new heights and you won’t be looking back anymore. Try to invent sometimes rather than innovating should be your motto in this case.

11# Stop Trying To Do Everything Yourself

Consider Feedback and Customer Review as your best friends as they will eventually help you know whether you are doing it right or not. Distribute your work within yourself or to other people who might be better at that particular niche than you. Explore and try new things.

Create an audience whose feedback will help you grow personally and professionally.


On the conclusive note, these 11 strategies are the universal strategies that you should and you should apply them in order to grow your business. Keeping an eye on every small detail will help you a lot to eventually gain positive experience and stability in your personal as well as professional life.

Still, if you want to know more, you should read industry experts opinion on digital marketing which will help you get a good perspective with a modern touch of strategies and ideas.

Helpful Resources:

About Author: Deepak Chauhan is a digital business strategist and CEO of VOCSO Digital Agency based out of India, USA & UAE. The web business strategist, who has 12+ years of experience, has worked with many small businesses and startups across the globe to help them build successful websites/applications and launch them online with his strategic consulting. When not working, he enjoys traveling, writing, photography and satisfying his taste buds. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.