How to Start Your Own Website: 6 Useful Tips for Beginners


Do you wish to start your own website? Once you’ve succeeded, this can be a good source of income and pride. However, success does not happen overnight.

It is important to plan carefully and continuously work hard to build traffic and eventually achieve whatever goals you set for your website.

In this article, we will share some tips on how to start one, especially for beginners out there. These tips will show how most web developers built their sites and how can you avoid expensive builders.

6 Tips To Start Your Own Website

how to start your own website

1. Decide niche of your website

First of all, the most important step in becoming a successful entrepreneur with profitable online business is to pick a niche. It is basically the industry you will be in and the products you will want to sell so you need to establish your goals – what type of website do you want to start?

Do you want to start a travel site, e-commerce shop, gadget reviews or maybe you prefer a general type of site wherein you post content of various topics? Having in mind the niche of your site allows you to plan accordingly.

Choosing niche for the website is tricky because you can list all of your interests and passions but still you could feel that you didn’t hit upon the singular thing that you were meant to do.

In order to decide the niche, first make a list of 10 topical interests immediately. After that, you need to find the problems the customers usually deal with. Also it is advisable to explore different keyword combinations so that you will get close to hit your goal.

2. Choose a good domain name

The next step in making a good and reliable website is to choose a good domain name. Well what’s a good domain name? Something that is short and easy to remember.

Your domain name is the key element of your website.. A good domain name can make a positive and lasting impression and help in accelerating towards successful business. The right domain name will increase brand recognition.

It should be easy to spell so users do not get confused typing your site in the address bar You do not want them to spell the URL wrong only to be directed to a competitor site. So keep it short and simple but memorable.

However, this may be a challenge since there are already tons of websites so be creative and innovative in doing word play or combining words or terms. Be sure to check the meaning too just to be safe. You can also include your city name if your business is local so that the local customers can easily reach out to you.

Related: 7 Important Domain Name Tips for Beginners

3. Find a reliable a hosting site

You should choose a hosting site that offers great features with zero to low downtime. Actually hosting site is a foundation on which all websites are built.

Before start looking for a hosting mate, first think that what you are looking into because your interests will affect your compatibilities with certain hosting providers and services. In shared hosting several servers connect with each other so there are chances that a shared host is cheating on you with hundreds and thousands of others.

Due to splitting of server resources to different sites, there are chances that your performance suffers as the website grows. Price, support, performance, storage etc. are all important features to consider while you find a shared host. The best hosting website is Bluehost with wide and useful set of features.

You need your website to up and running all the time. Also, they should offer support 24/7 so you can contact them in case you experience technical issues.

Read Also: How To Choose Web Hosting For A Small Business

4. Do keyword research

It is also advisable to do keyword research to correctly identify your site’s category. The power of keyword research lies in better understanding of yours to target the market. It provides you with specific search date like what people are searching for? How many are searching? And actually in what format they want information on their topic?

Keyword might have different meanings beneath the surface. The intention behind your search is very important factor in making you ranking potential so it is necessary to take special care in order to interpret the keywords you target.

Seed keywords are the foundation of your keyword research. This will define your niche and help you identify the competitors. You can also start with wide a super broad keyword and niche down until you see a different, beneficial and interesting opportunity.

Always remember to target those keywords that are frequently used when people are searching or looking for products or services that you offer.

5. Publish high quality content

Of course, it is very important to publish original and high quality content that will make visitors know that you are a reliable website that they can trust.

Your content ideas will decide that whether your content will hit your desired goal and turn out great or will it be forgettable. When you develop the right idea in your content, your audience will definitely appreciate it and help spread it for you.

In order to improve your content material, you can also visit your competitors’ site to check what they are writing and how can you further make changes to make your mark.

Also, researching is very important even if you are writing solely on your personal experience; still you need to research your concerned topic. Publish once or twice a week to keep fresh content flowing.

6. Promote site in social media

Lastly, you need to do marketing too to increase traffic and potential sales. It is highly recommendable to promote your website in various social media sites.

Social media promotion ideas will kick-start your marketing initiatives. There are many websites that pop up on the internet on daily basis. So it is very important to promote your site to maximize your impact as you begin to built your presence online.

You should also create official social media accounts to connect with your target audience. Make sure that you make all accounts with the same name and don’t forget to fully fill out your profiles. The amount of followers, friends, likes, retweets or reposts have somewhat become the criteria of success online these days.

Share the content from your site that other people will find helpful like latest blogs and make sure that you are connecting with your audience authentically so that there are no chance of being come off as too spammy.

Final Thoughts 

These tips will help you start a website. You should be patient and consistent since you need to build solid traffic first before you can monetize it. So make sure to be consistent in posting high quality and relevant content and promote in social media.

Before you know it, traffic will increase as well as sales in case you decide that you want to monetize it. If you have found the business idea in which you can easily invest your ideas and time, take the plunge.

The learning and growth that will come during the process of doing is far greater than the fears of so many negative thoughts that pop up in mind before starting it.

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Author: Abdul Mateen