Top 10 Trends in Content Marketing Will Shaping The Future Of Marketing


In the digital marketing world, the importance of content marketing is increasing rapidly. The way of content marketing campaigns and content strategies are created is changing.

Content is at the core of our social and digital, always connected and always learning the mobile world of communication. Content is at the center of the vital element between your brand and your customer.

However, it is either going to open their minds and heart to pay attention and care that your brand exists.

With more access to a better understanding of your buyer’s preferences, you will always be fine-tuning your approach to content marketing trends.

Benefits of Content Marketing


top trends content marketing shapping the future of marketing

It helps enhance your brand as an authority in your industry. As well as, it helps to deepen your relationship with consumers by strengthening their trust in your brand and appreciation for the content’s added value. It broadens awareness of your brand, keeps it relevant, and helps it stay ahead from the competition.

Top 10 Trends In Content Marketing

1# Power of Artificial Intelligence

The power of artificial intelligence in content marketing is yet the most game-changing trend. Since search algorithms changes mean most importance is placed on semantic search and long-form content.

For example, Google’s Knowledge Graph helps to search users to pull up the best results for their long term search queries.

Google is taking this to the next level by using artificial intelligence to facilitate better matches to search queries using its RankBrain algorithm.

2# Voice Search

Screenless search is something which millions do every day. They ask their digital assistant a question without the need to look at a personal computer or smartphone. It will cause a shift in content because how we speak is not in alignment with how we write.

You will want to take more time to adapt content to natural language search, that means including questions and answers. Use long tail keywords in titles and headers.

Read: 4 Smart Tips to Know How Voice Search Influences Your SEO!

3# Video Marketing

According to the survey, a billion users are influenced by videos on social media when making a purchase. Video marketing is the most convenient way to get to know a company on online presence.

Branded videos, influencer channels, and webinars are the most popular YouTube because people value transparency and authenticity in a brand.

It enriches a relationship and appears more authentic than advertising messages in pictures and text. Short informative video clips are the most effective when addressing a new target group on Google Search and YouTube.

4# Podcasts

In content marketing, podcast marketing is becoming increasing rapidly. Brands can appeal to more users with audio content and bringing the brand name clearly into the consciousness of the target group through advertising in favorite podcast popular series.

5# Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the most fast-moving channels. The trend is moving away from Facebook towards short-lived audiovisual media such as Whatsapp and Instagram.

Especially, for a younger audience and influencers.  For content marketing to perform well in Instagram, it has to be authentic.

Networking and interacting with other accounts is just as important as personal contact. Stories will be told with fast and regular pots.

6# Collaboration With Influencers

The collaboration of two brands or the cooperation with one influencer creates new content which will play out on various channels to both target groups, resulting in the broader audience.

7# Evolution of Chatbot

The chatbots are coming. They sharer information, answer questions, and are becoming more and more intelligent as virtual assistants. Particularly, they are useful in customer service area.

They can answer open questions where “yes” or “no” is just not enough, and use Natural Language Processing to identify the best answers to FAQ.

A chatbot can be integrated into all common messengers such as WhatsApp, Skype, and Facebook, etc. Implementing it on your website is a better way to communicate with customers to quickly get in touch.

8# Automated Content Creation

Many marketers are seeking a new and effective way to create content. We will start to see marketers producing content via robotic algorithms as these technologies continue to improve and become more sophisticated.

The new software will soon be available to help marketers compile and create new content from all the information which is shared by social media users around the world.

 9# Live Streaming Video

A few years back, the digital world has taken note of live, and then it has intensified. Here are some facts which will prove the growing importance of live video in the online world, such as Facebook users spend 3X more time watching live videos than traditional videos and the equivalent of 110 years of live video is watched on periscope every day.

Additionally, it adds an element for fun to an already interactive form of communication. To use live video to engage your audience you could host Question and Answer sessions, live interviews, conduct product demonstrations, cover events, and conferences, etc.

10# Personalization Content

Today, many companies are using analytics for customer segmentation to target specific customer groups in the best way.

Twitter is the better example of devising a content marketing started around a particular audience. All social media channels have a distinct structure when it comes to content sharing and promotion.

Most of them let you personalize content either with hashtags or location settings. Based on the channel you choose for marketing, that makes the best use of such features.


As a result, content marketing is taking a big massive step forward in terms of technology. Businesses must adapt to the expectations of their customers- be it in customer communication, content creation, and provision of all channels.

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Author Bio: Sundaresh is the Founder and CEO of the Elysium Technologies Private Limited. He is the Managing Director of Elysium Academy Private Limited & Elysium Services Private Limited, Chairperson of Elysium Foundation, Partner of Elysium Impex and shareholder of major companies. Earlier, he began his career with IBM Corporation. With his ambition of being an entrepreneur in his native city, Sundaresh has initiated Elysium Technologies Private Limited in Madurai on 1999. Under his guidance, Elysium Technologies has moved to the global market through a network of alliances and offices in India and across worldwide. Sundaresh brings a unique blend of intellectual insight and intuition to build new businesses leveraging knowledge and human capital at the Elysium Technologies. His diverse expertise and impressive professional credentials span more than 15 years in the IT Industry, with the comprehensive understanding of the customer requirements for a successful business relationship.